  • 會議論文


A Study of 5(superscript th) and 6(superscript th) Graders Leisure Benefit with Sports Video Games in Taipei city-take Wii Game Platform as an Example


本研究旨在探討台北市國小高年級學童在體育性電玩休閒效益因素,並比較不同背景變項之台北市國小高年級學童在體育性電玩的差異情形。本研究採問卷調查法,以台北市97學年度國民小學在籍之高年級學童爲研究對象,並以「休閒效益量表」爲研究工具,進行問卷調查,再以描述性統計、重複量數單因子變異數分析、LSD法事後檢定等方法進行統計分析。 本研究之主要發現如下: 一、參加或體驗過Wii體育性電玩的台北市國民小學97學年度在籍高年級國小學童的家長教育程度以「高中(職)和「大專(學)」爲主,每週零用錢200元以內的學童約占七成。Wii體育性電玩每週使用頻率約2次以下的學童約占七成,且每週使用時間未滿4小時以下的學童占近八成。 二、台北市國小高年級學童在體育性電玩休閒效益之因素分析結果可歸納爲五個構面,分別爲「生理效益」、「心理效益」、「放鬆效益」、「教育效益」、「社交效益」。 三、台北市國小高年級學童對體育性電玩在休閒效益的五個要素中,最受到重視的爲「生理效益」,最不受重視的爲「教育效益」。


任天堂 遊樂器 重視程度


The purposes of this study are to discuss the factors benefit with the 5(superscript th) and 6(superscript th) graders in Taipei City playing sports video games at leisure and to compare the differences of background variables. This study uses a questionnaire to survey 5(superscript th) and 6(superscript th) graders in Taipei City of the 97 school year and the ”Leisure Benefit Scale” as the research tool. After the survey, descriptive statistics, repeated measures ANOVA and LSD are implemented to analyze the data. The parents of those 5(superscript th) and 6(superscript th) graders who have played Wii usually received high school or even higher education. 70% of those students have less than 200 dollars allowance per week, About 70% of the students play Wii less than twice a week, and almost 80% of the students play Wii less than four hours a week. The factors of the 5(superscript th) and 6(superscript th) graders leisure benefit with sports video games are grouped into five categories: physiological benefits, psychological benefits, relaxation benefits, educational benefits and social benefits. Among the five elements involved with sports video games, the fifth and sixth graders in Taipei City value ”physiological benefits” the most, whereas ”educational benefits” the least.


nintendo video games Emphasis


