  • 期刊


Rainfall Seepage-induced Stability Analyses of Unsaturated Slopes with Tie-back Retaining Piles


臺灣地區在梅雨及颱風季節所帶來之集中性豪雨,常引發大規模之落石、土石流或地滑等邊坡崩坍災害。針對已發生滑動或有滑動潛勢之邊坡,目前國內已發展出許多邊坡整治工法,其中背拉式擋土排樁為邊坡整治常採用之工法。以往邊坡於降雨情況下之穩定分析研究,大多將邊坡視為完全乾燥或完全飽和狀態進行分析,並未模擬降雨入滲行為對邊坡穩定性之影響。本研究首先利用已完成之室內大型人工邊坡降雨入滲試驗資料,以PLAXIS 3D 三維有限元素程式進行數值模擬,並建立數值模擬程序及驗證其有效性。最後,針對未飽和均質邊坡,在不同降雨雨型與地下水水位深度條件下,探討降雨入滲行為及背拉式排樁對邊坡穩定性之影響。


During the raining season in Taiwan, heavy rainfall often causes landslides, debris flows and collapses on slopes. The tie-back retaining pile method is one of the most popular methods used for slope rehabilitation. In the past, the infiltration and seepage behaviors of slopes during rain fall have usually been ignored in the stability analyses. In this study, a large scale test on the infiltration and seepage behaviors of a slope is modeled using the three-dimensional finite element program, PLAXIS 3D, to validate and calibrate the numerical model. Then, a model of an unsaturated slope consisting of a homogeneous layer of the colluvium was established for a series of slope stability analyses. Meanwhile, the effects of infiltration and seepage behavior and the tie-back retaining pile system on the slope stability under different water table levels and rainfall patterns were investigated.
