  • 期刊


Building Blueprint for Taiwan Ocean Policy


臺灣四面環海,擁有豐富的海洋環境及資源,其發展脈絡與海洋密不可分。過去受限於威權體制下的陸權思維,使得臺灣缺乏完整的海洋意識及海洋政策。隨著海洋資源需求的擴張及科技進步,臺灣仰賴海洋的程度更高;加以永續發展觀念興起,對於海洋環境保護也更為急迫。這些都需要政府規劃清晰的海洋政策藍圖,將海洋事務從狹隘的資源掌控,擴展到生態與社經系統管理,強化臺灣海洋永續治理的量能。 本文以國際海洋議題的變遷為基礎,包含國際與先進海洋國家的海洋治理模式,以及學者提出的海洋治理標準。因應國際海洋發展的趨勢,本文分析了海洋臺灣的發展策略。同時,為了更完整的建構海洋議題,對於臺灣海洋發展則分別從法律面、組織面與政策面三個角度檢視。更透過(國家海洋政策綱領)形塑未來臺灣發展的藍圖。 本文強調臺灣的海洋政策應該結合在地化與全球化兩條途徑。在在地化途徑下,以臺灣特殊的歷史脈絡為基礎,確保海洋權益以及國家安全,並善用海洋資源促進國家發展。同時,強化鄰近海域的執法,提升海域的安全及秩序。並且透過海洋文化誰動與民眾參與,形塑海洋臺灣的民族特質。在全球化途徑下,則是體認國際海洋永續發展的重要性,依循責任、符合層級、預應、適應性管理、成本分攤及參與等原則,建構符合生態永續、經濟效率以及社會公平的海洋永續治理。政府面對國際市場,輔助航港造船、永續海洋漁業及海洋科技等三項重點海洋產業。最後,本文強調海洋議題與科技研發息息相關,臺灣必須培育海洋人才,透入更多心力在海洋科學研究,才能在國際海洋議題上獲得的優勢。


Embraced by the ocean, Taiwan has affluent ocean and resources; further, its developmental context was highly connected with ocean environment. However, Taiwan society was lack of ocean consciousness because of continental thinking, which was enforced by the authoritarian regime in the past fifty years. Following the increase of ocean resources needs and technology progress, Taiwan has to focus on the ocean policy. Moreover, we also urgently need a new way for governance of ocean resources in the growing conception of sustainable development. In this situation, Government has the responsible to construct the blueprint for Taiwan ocean policy. To strengthen the capacity of ocean sustainable governance, Taiwan government must enlarge ocean management from resource-controlled model to ecological and socioeconomic system. This essay analyzes the change of international ocean issues, including the ocean ruling model of United Nations and developed nations, and the six principles of the ocean governance. To construct ocean issues completely, The essay not only refer to the international trends of ocean management, but also discusses the Taiwan ocean developmental strategies through law, policy and organization dimensions. The essay emphasized that Taiwan ocean policy should combines the localization approach with globalization one. Under the localization approach, government has to assure the rights and security of Taiwan, moreover, it should use ocean resources efficiently to promote the development of Taiwan Meanwhile, government also needs to increase the capacity of lax enforcement to confirm the order and security of sea areas Besides, government could encourage public participation in the ocean issues to promote Taiwan ocean consciousness and identification. Under the globalization approach, we need to recognize the importance of global ocean sustainable development. What is more, in order to build ocean sustainable governance with ecological sustainability, economic efficacy and social justice, we should take the six principles responsibility, scale matching, pre caution, adaptive management, full cost allocation and participation Besides, Government should assist three key ocean industries, namely, ocean transportation, fishery and ocean technology so that the improvement of main ocean industries will be helpful to Taiwan's global competition. At last, because ocean issues are closely connected with technology research and development, Taiwan should actively build ocean human resources to get the advantage in the international ocean issues.



