  • 期刊


Volumetric Turn in Human Geography: Three-Dimensional Territory, Geophysical Politics and Affective Atmosphere




This review article on Volume Geography argues that contemporary geopolitical and environmental issues should be retheorized by volumetric thinking. This review is divided into four main sections. The first section introduces the key concepts in volume studies literature, namely the definition of volume, three-dimensional geopolitics and security governance, relationship between geophysical politics and geopolitics, and affect and body within a volume. The second section elaborates the roles of air, aerospace, atmosphere and weather in security governance. The third section discusses the challenges posed by geophysical processes to related practices of resource ownership, territorial boundary, and soverignty power. The fourth section explains how affect and body experience within the volume are formed, re-presented and transformed via arts and technologies and through environments. The conclusion notes certain theoretical and empirical implications.


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