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The Non-linear Model Analysis of Wholesaler Price in Taiwanese Hog Markets




This paper applies the smooth transition autoregressive (STAR) model to investigate whether the hog wholesaler price with first grade show a non-linear path or not in 8 areas of Taiwan, and to describe the dynamic adjustment behaviors along with the out-of-sample forecasting. In addition, we will discuss the effects of epidemic FMD's (Foot and Mouth Disease) shocks and market reorganizations on hog's price, as well as the analysis of price comparison in consumer and wholesaler markets. Our empirical evidences support that the FMD in 1997 and the market reorganization in 2000 both are substantial factors which have caused the hog price to follow a non-linear path. Next, in 6 areas (Taipei county, Taoyuan county, Daan area, Changhua county, Yunlin county), the hog prices have a tendency of symmetrical adjusted ESTAR model, which therefore indicates the hog price has the same dynamic structures while the price shows motion within upper and lower regimes, but the dynamic process in the middle areas differs from the external areas. However, the difference sourced from Pingtung and Fongshan, showing the tendency of asymmetrical adjustment under LSTAR model, in these areas, we suggest that all series display the asymmetric path above and below the threshold value. Furthermore, the hog price in 8 areas has an entirely distinct manifestation in adjustment speed, type, threshold value, external dynamic path, lag phenomenon and price forecasting results etc. Finally, hog price also presents inconsistency of non-linear dynamic path in consumer and wholesaler markets.


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