  • 期刊


A Gas Sensing Module with ZnO Nanowires Coated Bismuth Ferrite Powered by Thermoelectric Chip


本研究設計之氣體感測器主要由氧化鋅奈米線為感測結構主體,再搭配由熱電模組與奈米線表面改質來進行比較,其中表面改質是經由濺鍍方式沉積鐵酸鉍(BiFeO)材料進行表面被覆來增加感測靈敏度。而感測氣體主要以氨水為主,而不採用純氨氣。本研究開發之自發電儲能感測模組,可獨立使用於多種廢熱回收場合,毋須外在電源供應。實驗結果指出,含有鐵酸鉍被覆的氧化鋅奈米線(BiFeO-coated ZnO NWs)和單純氧化鋅奈米線(Single ZnONWs)相比較之下,具有更高的感測靈敏度和更快的感測響應時間。


Zinc oxide nanowire with high sensitivity has been demonstrated to detect chemical substances. However, the sensitivity of ZnO gas sensor is dependence of different working temperatures, which restrict use environment. To improve the senor performance, a self-powered and sensing module combined with thermoelectric chip and gas sensor will be designed and fabricated in this study. Furthermore, we adopt a BiFeO3-coated ZnO nanowire as sensor source. In this work, the ZnO nanowires were growth by low-temperature hydrothermal process and followed by sputtered BFO covering. From the ammonia gas-sensing results, we fi nd that the BFO-coated ZnO nanowire array shows much faster response time and better sensitivity, compared to control ZnO nanowire array.
