  • 期刊


Promoting Reform School Students' Self-efficacy in Physical Science Learning-An Action Research Approach


本研究旨在利用行動研究,具螺旋式探究及深入情境解決實際問題之特點,提升輔 育院學生理化科的自我效能。在教學中,以合作學習、分組討論、及實地操作實驗的教學過程,融入具體的鼓勵及言語的讚美,或創造多元的活動,提供學生經歷成功的經驗;及利用同儕楷模,激勵他們的學習,來讓輔育院學生肯定自己學習理化的能力。 本研究採質性研究為主,量的研究為輔,選取的班級是中部地區,某少年輔育院國二班學生,全部皆為男生,在九十學年度上學期開學之初,施予理化科自我效能問卷前測,全班區分為高、中、低三群自我效能之學生,再從中選取六位個案學生,作為觀察的主要對象。研究過程,分為上下兩個學期進行,上學期先利用教室觀察,晤談及配合前測問卷,將所收集的數據分成七個向度進行統計,分析出個案班級及個案學生問卷中較弱之面向,下學期再針對這些面向進行教學改進。最後歸納得到此行動研究的結果及主張。 研究結果發現,個案班級中,六位個案學生的理化科自我效能都有提升,特別是低自我效能的個案學生,自我效能提升最為顯著。而研究的個案班級,在上課表現、實驗活動情形、及與教師或同學互動情形中,上下學期有顯著的差異。且全班學生在理化科的自我效能,大部份都提高了。 有關提升輔育院學生有效的教學策略計有:親自操作實驗,增加他們每個人經驗成功的機會;具體稱讚鼓勵與稱讚,觀察同儕的成功,尋找學習的楷模,或外在增強的誘因等,都是提升輔育院學生自我效能的有效策略。


This research aims at converting criminal juveniles' frustrating school experience and aiding them to rebuild their self-confidence in science studying by setting up an environment with love and warmth in which they can be well regarded, supported, and respected. Under such circumstances, their self-efficacy in science studying can be apparently enhanced and their abilities of dealing with problems, of sharing and communicating with others, and of contemplating and analyzing what they have learned in their true life can also are well cultivated. The activity research applied here owns the special feature of the spiral and thorough exploration into the realistic situations for solving problems. The reformatory students in the research are given concrete encouragement through oral praising during their co-studying and panel discussion. As well, in various kinds of activities which are carefully designed, some successful experience can be achieved easily, and meanwhile, their self-efficacy can gradually grow up. At the end, through the process, the students can make out their own ability much better and more objectively. This research continues for nine months from September, 2001 to May, 2002. The students chosen are all boys in a second-year class of a reformatory school in central Taiwan. And, in the three self-efficacy classified groups (A, B, C), 6 individuals are chosen for observation. On the basis of the information about their studying, the researcher's teaching strategy is evaluated periodically to make sure whether the students' self-efficacy is well promoted, so that the better ways for students to study can be found out. The research shows that all the six students in the three groups make great progress in their science self-efficacy: the scores on the tests for those who had high self-efficacy have an increase of 30 to 40 points; those who are in the mid self-efficacy group only reach an increase of 10 to 20 and even one of them appears non-different or negative in four of the seven domains; but impressively, those in the group of low self-efficacy make an advancement of over 100. As far as the whole class in the case is concerned, the mutual influences between teaching and learning and the activities in experiments are apparently improved. Therefore, the conclusion is clear: the teaching strategy of co-studying and promotion of self-efficacy is practicable in spite that some principles should be put a high premium on. Everyone would like to pursue success. As long as the sense of accomplishment can be achieved, students' self-efficacy in learning can be greatly enhanced. And as long as self-confidence is built up, there will be no more frustration.
