

本個案報告主要為探討一2歲個案確診後發現雙耳為極重度聽損,由於助聽器及聽能復健並無成效,故進行人工耳蝸植入手術評估,並安排電腦斷層檢查(CT),結果顯示此個案雙耳内耳結構缺失,確診為bilateral inner car Michel aplasia。在臨床上此種典型案例並不多見,屬於人工耳蝸植入不適應症,後續若是尋求輔具介入亦僅能仰賴聽覺腦幹植入Auditory Brainstem Implant(ABI),但依目前臺灣現況是有所限制的。故建議該個案應該先習得第一語言(sign language),確保往後與他人溝通的機會,本研究報告將也討論目前ABI在Michel aplasia個案適應症的現況考量。


This study report a 2-year-old boy with bilateral profound hearing loss. Because hearing aids and hearing rehabilitation were not helpful, he was arranged for cochlear implant pre-operation assessment. The computed tomography showed that the bilateral absence of inner ear structures, which was diagnosed with bilateral inner ear Michel aplasia. This typical case was rare and not suitable for cochlear implant. It could only rely on Auditory Brainstem Implant (ABI) as another hearing assistive device. However, ABI effect is limited in their development of speech & language skills. Meanwhile, ABI device is still not imported into Taiwan although was approved for ABI importation by TFDA. Therefore, we suggest he should learn the first language (sign language) to ensure the opportunity to learn oral spoken language later. This report will also discuss the current application of ABI in Michel aplasia.
