  • 期刊


Building Reconstruction by Fitting Model to Close-Range Images


三維城市模型的建置(3D City Modeling)是目前熱門的研究課題,其中以三維建物資料的獲取為首要研究目標。本文以近景攝影測量的原理,提出以建物模型套合影像的方法來完成建物重建的工作。所提出的模型與影像套合分別應用在影像方位的計算及建物部分的萃取,當目標建物已具有粗略或部分的量測資訊,則可當成控制模型,此時可調整影像外方位元素來達到影像與控制模型的最佳套合來求解影像方位;當影像方位為已知,可利用CSG(Constructive solid Geometry)模型代表建物,並以調整CSG元件之形狀與方位參數與影像套合來進行建物重建。所提出的方法特別適合於某都市區已先以航空攝影測量建立建物的精簡模型,而需針對某些已改建、結構較複雜或具有代表性的建物再使用近景攝影測量將原先的精簡模型修正或細節化,以建立更為完備的三維建物模型。本文突破傳統以點位立體量測建置空間資訊的攝影測量觀念,運用模型為單元進行物件式的自動化量測,提高建物重建的效率。文中之實驗例驗證了方法之可行性,並評估所萃取得的建物模型之幾何精度與點位量測相當。


Many applications, such as traffic management, urban planning, tourism, require 3D city model as their basic spatial information, which makes building extraction a hot research topic in the last two decades. This paper proposes a close-range photogrammetric procedure for building reconstruction based on model-image fitting. The model-image fitting process is applied in image orientation recovery and building part extraction. For image orientation recovery, previously measured building parts or outline can be used as control models. Orientation recovery is achieved by adjusting orientation parameters so as the image optimally fits to the control models. For building part extraction, the shape and pose parameters of a representative CSG primitive are adjusted to fit all of the corresponding images. The proposed procedure is especially suitable for updating or refining some building models in a city model built previously using aerial photogrammetry. Breaking through the traditional point measurement concept, this paper promotes a model (or object) based measurement concept to increase the efficiency of building reconstruction. Some experimental tests are demonstrated to show the feasibility of the proposed method. The accuracy assessment of the test results shows that the accuracy of proposed method is comparable to that of manual point measurement.


