  • 期刊


Food Markets and the Geography of Everyday Life: Globalizing Taipei as a Living City of Market Diversity


本文試圖跳脫經濟台灣與產業台北的生產觀點,改由日常生活的再生產觀點來理解全球化城市的發展課題,並且從日常食物採買與菜市場發展之間的多重結構化歷程來探討生產與消費、地方與全球之間的複雜關係,以作為重新思考台灣城市發展的基礎。 整體的論述架構是奠基在以結構化歷程理論為核心的日常生活地理學,強調例行化的生活慣習與制度化的生活場域在連結個人行動與社會結構之間的關鍵性力量。在具體的經驗課題方面,本文先以台北市菜市場的演化與轉變為例,探討傳統市場、超級市場、大賣場和黃昏市場等主要市場類型在台北市的發展歷程與演進趨勢,歸結出台北市當前「多元、混雜」的市場特性。接著進一步從小型攤商的「市場文化」、國家對於市場經營的「市場干預」、零售產業創新的「市場轉化」,以及現代生活型態轉變的「市場需求」等不同的結構化歷程面向,來說明台北市菜市場從傳統小型攤商經營到現代化大型連鎖經營的發展趨勢。 在面對西方市場地景單調化發展的前車之鑑,本文最後提出從日常生活情境與日常生活場域連結行動與結構的「人性尺度」和「生活城市」,以及維護「市場多樣化」的基本理念,作為重新思考全球化台北的城市發展策略。


The aim of the paper is to examine the issue of globalizing cities in Taiwan via the geographical lens of social reproduction in everyday life. In order to explore the interrelationship between global production and local consumption, the discussion is focused on the structuration dynamics of Taipei's food markets and the associated retail changes. The conceptual framework adopted in this paper is the geography of everyday life informed by the theory of structuration. It emphasizes the necessary connections between the routinized daily practices and the institutionalized social structures in the course of daily practices. The empirical inquiry focuses on the structuration dynamics of Taipei's food markets that is characterized by a pluralistic and hybrid market structure: a combination of a variety of market forms such as traditional retail markets, supermarkets, hypermarkets, and dusk markets. It follows by exploring the major 'market forces' behind the market changes in Taipei, including the 'market culture' of stall operation, the 'market intervention' from the state, the 'market transformation' in retail innovation, and the 'market demand' for changing shopping needs. Finally, apart from questioning the social and cultural consequences of a monotonous development in market landscape due to the fast expansion of western chain operations in retailing, this paper concludes by suggesting a globalizing urban strategy for Taipei from the perspective of 'the human scale' embedded in 'a living city of market diversity'.


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