  • 期刊


Effect of Quality Education Applied by Study Circle on Improving the Process Capability of Traditional Mechanic Manufacturing Company-An Example of M-H Company


本文以台灣傳統機械加工業爲例,嘗試利用「讀書會」小組活動,來推行戴明「品質不需要大量檢驗」及克勞斯比「零缺點」品質教育訓練,探討對製程能力提升之效應分析。在製程檢驗上採行戴明理論,戴明強調抽樣檢驗可節省不必要之人力與時間,確保品質標準,對公司成本花費與品質檢驗時間有明顯降低。另一方面,在人員教育訓練方面,則採行克勞斯比「零缺點」,強調要求以產品品質零缺點爲目標,給予工作人員於改善過程中,獲得更好的指導與技術。實驗結果顯示,製程能力Ĉ(下標 pk)值由0.74增加爲1.44,改善約48%,Ĉ(下標 pm)值由0.54提升爲0.98,改善約45%,顯示公司製程能力已有大幅度進步;在成本方面,亦有47%的改善程度。從這些數據顯示,利用「讀書會」活動模式,進行品質教育課程及相關改進措施,對傳統製程能力之提升與成本節省,有明顯幫助,故此一活動模式將可提供相關傳統機械加工業改進之參考。


讀書會 品質教育 製程能力


A study circle, a training activity, is utilized to implement quality engineering concepts that improve process capability for middle and small enterprises. The M-H Corporation is used as an example. During quality education, Deming's notion of quality without inspection and Crosby's zero-defect are emphasized in the study circle. A random sample of 30 items was used to compare process capability at the company before and after the study circle. Analytical results demonstrate that improvement to process capability was approximately 48% costs are reduces by roughly 47%. These findings further indicate that a study circle used during quality education can improve process capability and is suitable and useful for quality engineering education.


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