  • 期刊

Effect of Hull form Coefficients on the Vessel Sea-Keeping Performance



This paper investigates the hull form of a high speed chine vessel based on a smart model, so as to observe the effect of variations in some geometrical parameters and hull form coefficients, such as Cwp and Cp, on sea-keeping response by means of numerical and experimental methods. For modeling, neural networks and polynomial fitting methods are combined to achieve sufficient accuracy in modeling. The effect of variations in Cwp and Cp on the hydrodynamic response, which is calculated by the modified strip theory method and Pierson-Moskowitz (PM) wave spectrum, is illustrated. The main assumption of the paper is that variations in hull form parameters are so slight that each variable can be assumed independent of other variables. Displacement, speed and angle of wave approach are considered constant for the vessel and the model in this paper. All geometrical parameters and vessel hull form coefficients affect the vessel hydrodynamic coefficients differently. Two of these mentioned parameters are the waterplane area coefficient and prismatic coefficient whose effects on the vessel seakeeping are studied. Simulation results indicate that present modeling can be applied to vessel hull form design, considering geometrical limits and the desired optimal conditions.


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