  • 期刊


Theory and Practice of the Social Reform under Colonial Government: A Case Study of the Aiai Shelter in Keelung



1920年代施乾在台北萬華創辦收容乞丐的「愛愛寮」,是台灣人自發的社會改革行動,也成爲日本殖民政府宣揚人道主義社會事業的重要櫥窗。本文透過施乾與愛愛寮的歷史,探討日本殖民體制下,一個社會改革理想行動如何實踐,會遭遇何種限制。 日本政府雖然進行各項現代化建設,努力要使台灣脫胎換骨,但是有效解決乞丐問題的卻不是公部門,而是一個台灣青年以無比的熱情與毅力來達成。施乾以平等的心態、人類愛爲基礎,協助乞丐脫離原先的生活型態,這種以撲滅乞丐現象爲目標的行動,超越了傳統功德式濟貧的慈善工作,可說是台灣社會現代化的指標,同時也發揮了台灣傳統的互助精神。 但是另一方面,在當時的社會福利體系和社會環境下,純粹民問的社會事業不易生存,終究必須仰賴官方支援。官方則透過「恩侍福利體制」,藉由社福資源的分配來進行對社福團體的控制、降低社會改革運動的激進化。


The Aiai shelter, established in 1920 by Shi Qian in Wanhua, Taipei, was a voluntary social reform act by the Taiwanese. It was also an important showcase by which the Japanese colonial government promoted their humanitarian social enterprise. This article investigates the history of Shi Qian and the Aiai shelter to reconstruct the efforts of the social reformists and the limitations they encountered. Although the Japanese government strove to transform Taiwan through an array of modem constructions, it was a Taiwanese youth, not the government offices, who effectively solved the problem of the vagrants. On the basis of equality and humanity, Shi Qian helped the vagrants to change their ways of life. Aiming to stamp out the vagrant phenomenon, Shi’s endeavor transcended the old way of charity that aided the poor. It became an index of the modernization of Taiwanese society and brought into full play the traditional spirits of mutual help. At the same time, however, it was hard for a pure non-governmental social enterprise to survive under the circumstances of social welfare and environment of the time. They had to rely on official support. The government; on the other hand, utilized the social welfare resources distribution of the ”patron-client welfare system” to control the social welfare, organizations and mitigate the radicalization of social reform movements.




