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From Formal Democracy, National Democracy to Progressive Democracy in the United States: On the Political Thought of Herbert Croly




At the end of the 19th century, industrialization and commercialization advanced rapidly in the United States. However, the emergence of large corporate trusts and party factions created economic monopolies, spoils politics, social conflicts, and declining morality. People looked to a strong and active state. Herbert Croly was a new liberal thinker at the beginning of the 20th century. His 1909 book The Promise of American Life proposed a new nationalism centered on the idea of applying "Hamiltonian means" to achieve "Jeffersonian ends", Croly's subsequent 1914 book Progressive Democracy made him the leading scholar of American progressivism. Croly identified three distinct stages in the development of American democracy -formal democracy, national democracy, and progressive democracy. Primitive democracy was based on the direct participation of the people in politics. After the Constitutional Convention, popular democracy evolved into formal legal democracy-legal rule monopolized by elites pursuing local interests and dominated by parties, pursuing local interests. Faced with the disorder afflicting American society at the end of the 19th century, Croly advocated establishing a strong and active state through national democracy. This state would allow the people to freely exercise their freedom and rights, shifting their identity from their locality and political parties to the state. Progressive as the manifestation of popular sovereignty and democratic participation in the 20th century included developing civic literacy and education, shaping the good relations between individuals and society, rebuilding popular sovereignty and direct participation, constructing new relations between government and citizens, and developing industrial democracy and social education. Formal democracy, national democracy, and progressive democracy can be viewed as the past, present, and future forms of American democracy. Progressive democracy is also consistent with many contemporary democratic values and reflects the spirit and direction of American new liberalism and progressivism in the early 20th century.


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