  • 期刊


The Research of Primary School Baseball Development in Taipei City in the Initial Period of Restoration


本研究之主要目的,在瞭解光復初期台北市棒球運動發展背景,並究明國民學校棒球運動發展演變。 本研究以文獻分析法,蒐集彙整相關資料加以分析,探究的內容包含背景、場地、組織、國校學童棒球賽及全省少年棒球賽等。 研究發現有三: 一、光復初期民眾對棒球有著濃厚的感情,加上體育界熱心人士的投入,棒球運動充滿生機。然而政府視棒球為日本人的產物,對台灣棒球運動採「邊緣化」的忽略態度。加上當時經濟凋敝,物價高漲,場地設施無法改善,棒運發展因資源缺乏,由光復初期的熱鬧登場,漸而降溫冷卻。 二、台北市學童棒球比賽在台北市教育局及體育會積極籌備下,於37年4月開辦,受到國民學校及家長的積極投入,更吸引民眾及社會的矚目,也讓更多的人投身棒球運動。然而在各項主客觀因素的限制,逐漸趨於冷淡。 三、台灣省少年棒球賽自38年開辦以來,帶動全省各地少年棒球的熱潮。台北市少棒代表隊在前七屆的比賽中,賽績輝煌,有四屆榮獲冠軍;兩屆亞軍;一屆季軍。然而參賽隊伍除了第三屆外都沒有超過10隊,可能的原因是當時棒球熱度逐年降溫,加上當時全省交通便利性差,一般國民學校經費短缺,使得許多縣市球隊無法成行。


國民學校 台灣省 台北市 棒球


The major object of this study is to understand the background of Taipei City baseball development in the initial period of Restoration and to see the development and change of primary school baseball. This study uses abundant literature collected to analyze and probe into background, space, organization, primary school baseball game, youth baseball games islandwide and etc. Three findings of this study is as follows: 1. In the initial period of Restoration, the pubic was still emotionally connected with baseball. Besides, many people from sportsdom were also enthusiastically cultivated baseball sport. The baseball sport was therefore filled with viability. However, KMT government regarded baseball as the Japanese product and adopted the “marginalized” attitude to ignore baseball sport. Under the policy of Sinicization, baseball was left to be developed perfunctorily. At that time, economic situation was depressant, price in market was sharply raised, and place and facility were unable to be improved. Consequently, in stead of being prosperous in the initial period of Restoration, baseball promotion became weaker due to the shortage of resource. 2. Under progressive preparation of Bureau of Education, Taipei City and Physical Education Association, Taipei City Children Baseball Game was held in April 1948. The Game not only obtained the support from primary schools and parents, but also attracted much attention of society and the public. Therefore, there were much more people devoting themselves to baseball sport. However, limited by many subjective and objective factors, the enthusiasm for baseball was getting indifferent and finally ceased. 3.Since Taiwan Youth Baseball Game was started in 1949, it has created the baseball heat over the island. But the number of teams participating in the Game has never exceeded 10 except for the third Game. It was probably because the enthusiasm for baseball was fading year after year. In addition, transportation was not very convenient then. Some primary school teams from other counties/cities were not able to participate in the Game due to lack of funds.


primary school Taiwan Taipei City baseball




