  • 期刊


The Trade Network of Woodblock Prints in Northern China during the Qing Dynasty


俄羅斯學者鮑.李福清(Boris Lyvovich Riftin, 1932-2012)說,俄羅斯藏有大量中國木版年畫,大約有六千幅。因1830-1840年代,從恰克圖貿易帶來了中國的年畫。阿.科爾薩克(A. Korsake)著作討論恰克圖進口了中國的畫作、版畫、漢文和蒙古文的圖書。阿.科爾薩克統計1847-1851年,糖、藥材、生活用品、絲綢布疋、手工業品、小物件六類商品每年平均約304,902盧布,占恰克圖貿易平均總額6,211,768盧布的5%。其中畫作、圖書和小物件等每年平均約88,063盧布占1.4%,數量不大。從恰克圖貿易可知商人販賣版畫到俄羅斯。但是,年畫如何從生產地銷售到恰克圖?恰克圖貿易是在冬季開始,而每年九月初九日為木版年畫開始銷售的時間。販畫訂貨的客商紛紛到來,外省大客商則車裝、船載,十分氣派。這些客商和恰克圖的商人有哪些關連,這是本文想探討的問題之一。其次,介於中國和俄羅斯之間的蒙古人也喜歡版畫,蒙古包掛着版畫,新年時家家戶戶貼着春聯,在蒙古貿易商號和朱仙鎮生產年畫作坊有何關係?鮑.李福清論述年畫通常在左下角或某個特別的位置上題有畫店的字號,畫店字號如天義德、天興德等都是中蒙貿易的重要商號。這些商號在北京、張家口、歸化城、科布多、烏里雅蘇臺、庫倫都有分莊,形成了一個商貿網絡,可知版畫流傳至蒙古和俄羅斯的貿易路線。本研究利用北京城市指南,以及開封、朱仙鎮、周口、聊城、雁門關、張家口和呼和浩特的碑刻資料,探討楊柳青、朱仙鎮到蒙古、俄羅斯的年畫貿易路線。


恰克圖 貿易 版畫


Russian scholar Boris Lyvovich Riftin pointed out that, thanks to the trade in Kyakhta in the 1830s and 1840s, there are about 6,000 Chinese New Year woodblock prints in Russia today. Another scholar, Aleksandr Korsak, investigated imports from China in Kyakhta - the paintings, woodblock prints, Chinese and Mongolian books - and showed that between 1847 and 1851, the annual imports of sugar, medicine, daily necessities, textiles, handicrafts and miscellaneous items totalled around 304,902 rubles, 5% of average annual trading value in Kyakhta (6,211,768 rubles). The annual trading value of paintings, books, and miscellaneous items was insignificant, accounting for only 1.4% of the annual trading value at 88,063 rubles. These studies on the trade in Kyakhta demonstrate that woodblock prints were sold in Russia. How were these Chinese New Year woodblock prints transported from their production sites to Russia? The trade season in Kyakhta started in winter, while folk prints went on sale from the ninth of September every year. Numerous resellers who had placed orders would arrive. Those from other provinces even had to use carts and boats to transport the prints. It was a magnificent scene. One of the research questions of this article is the relationship between the resellers and the merchants in Kyakhta. Furthermore, the Mongols residing between China and Russia also adored Chinese woodblock prints. Prints would be hung in yurts, and during the Chinese New Year every family would paste new year couplets on the door. What was the relationship between merchants in Mongol and the New Year woodblock print workshops in Zhuxian? Riften pointed out that the names of the manufacturing workshops can often be found in the bottom-left corner or other important spots on the prints. The print workshops Tianyide and Tianxingde were two of the important Sino-Mongolia traders. These traders had branches in Beijing, Zhangjiakou, Hohhot, Khovd, Uliastai, and Ulaanbaatar, suggesting intricate trade networks stretching to Mongolia and Russia. This research has utilised the city guide of Beijing and stele records in Kai feng, Zhuxian, Zhokou, Liaocheng, Yanmenguan, Zhangjiakou and Hohhot to investigate the trade routes of Chinese New Year woodblock prints from Yangliuqing and Zhuxian to the Mongolian and Russian borders.


Kyakhta trade woodblock prints


《北平市工商業概況(一)》。[1932] 2009。池澤匯等編纂。收於《民國史料叢刊》冊 571。張研等主編。鄭州:大象出版社。
《北平市工商業概況(二)》。[1932] 2009。池澤匯等編纂。收於《民國史料叢刊》冊 572。張研等主編。鄭州:大象出版社。
《那桐日記(一八九○—一九二五)》。[1890–1925] 2006。北京市檔案館編。北京:新華出版社。

