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A Study of the Primary Growth of Casuarina junghuhniana Provenances in Taiwan



本試驗為澳洲CSIRO統籌山木麻黃國際種源試驗之一部分,以印尼原生種及非洲栽培種共28個種源為試驗材料,在台灣海岸及山地等4個不同生育地進行栽植試驗。本試驗調查山木麻黃2年生造林木之12項定量及定性之生長與形態性狀資料,並進行變方分析,結果顯示各試區種源間各性狀皆達顯著差異,且具有顯著的種源遺傳與環境之交感效應。山木麻黃28個種源於四湖試區之成活率、樹高及胸徑生長皆以帝汶(Timor)島的17號種源表現較佳,而在台中港試區之成活率則以帝汶島的20號種源最高,樹高生長則以帝汶島的16, 17, 18, 19號種源表現優異,胸徑生長則以帝汶島的19號種源為最佳,另在多納試區則以4號種源之成活率和樹高生長表現最佳,而胸徑生長則以巴厘(Bali)島的10號種源最佳;於太麻里試區之成活率以肯亞(Kenya)的23號種源最佳,而樹高與胸徑生長方面皆以倫巴(Lombok)島的14號種源表現最佳。經由迴歸分析顯示,於低海拔之四湖與台中港試區,種源間之造林成活率、樹高及胸徑生長隨著原產地海拔之升高而降低,而於中高海拔之多納試區,其成活率則會隨著經度、緯度的增加而增加,這表示種源間具有沿地理分布而分化的情形。進一步進行主成分因子分析與歸群分析,以了解種源間之地理變異趨勢,低海拔之威特島(Wetar)之21號種源在空間分布上與其它種源之距離最遠,而印尼中海拔之帝汶島16~20號等5個種源則明顯歸為一群,其它中高海拔之種源則另自成一集團,由此推估山木麻黃種源是以海拔高為分化方向。


This study was undertaken as a part of international provenance trials of Casuarina junghuhniana coordinated by CSIRO, Australia. The present trial compared 28 provenances of C. junghuhniana from natural occurrence and land races, and variations in 12 growth and morphological characteristics were assessed in 2-yr-old stands at 4 sites in Taiwan. Considerable genetic variations among natural provenance and land races of C. junghuhniana with a significant site-by-provenance interaction were revealed. Provenance nos. 16, 17, 18, 19, and 20 from Timor Island, Indonesia, and no. 21 from Old Uhak NE Wetar, Indonesia, were selected as the superior seed sources for all 4 sites, based on Scheffe's multiple range tests of their survival rate, height, and diameter growth. Regression analyses of data obtained in the Suhu coastal area and Taichung Harbor area revealed a significant negative relationship of elevation with survival percentage, height, and diameter growth of C. junghuhniana. A significant positive relationship was observed for the survival rate of C. junghuhniana and the longitude and elevation of the Duona area. Results from both cluster and factor analyses with a principal component solution suggested that the 28 provenances could be classified into 3 geographical groups. The first group originated from Old Uhak NE Wetar, Indonesia and was far distant from the other provenances. The second group consisted of 5 provenances from Timor, with the remaining provenances being classified into the third group. These results suggest that the ecoclines of C. junghuhniana might be affected by elevation.


