  • 期刊


Update in Atrial Fibrillation Treatment




Atrial fibrillation is a disease that has chaotic atrial electrical signals. The rapid atrial firing causes atrial myocardium damage, and eventually affecting the whole heart and the whole body. Though we know the best strategy is to suppress the fibrillation waves and maintain sinus rhythm, we actually do not have good methods or tools to achieve this goal. Instead of rhythm control, we choose rate control to protect at least the ventricles and also use the anti-coagulants for stroke prevention. With more and more understandings about the atrial fibrillation, we now have the tools designed for pulmonary vein isolation. New methods or tools are built for shorter procedure time, higher successful rate, lower recurrence rate and lower complication rate. But for the new methods, it is always time that can prove the efficacy and the safety in a long run. We need to always update ourselves for new clinical data, and always search for the maximum benefit while minimizing the risks for the patients.


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