  • 期刊


A Study of the Image Recognition of the Vehicle Advertisement in Northern Taiwan




Bus advertisement is highly restricted by environmental elements, areas and moving speed. Most advertisers want to evaluate several things created by advertisements -communication effect, sales effects and the potential influence on awareness, knowledge and preference. But it is very difficult to do the measurement. This study is focused on the Bus advertisements practice in Taipei and to proceed a deeper study on the types of visual effect and images. First, the literature review and clustering analysis are used for interpreting the type of visual effects. Second, the tool of Semantic differential scale and factor analysis are used for the image of advertisements analysis. The visual effects are lumped into 6 categories. They are Figure proof style、Emotion style 、Abstract style 、Cartoon style 、Dramatic style 、and Fugleman style. Especially found that the Fugleman style is the most popular in design practice. The Dynamic、Courtlike、and Simplification three key factors are segregated. The finding of this study shown that the image of Creative、Appealingly、Alertness、 Popular、Esthetic are the most significant amount the 6 visual effects. However the Commercial、Abstract have shown less significance. Besides, The visual effects has no impact from gender difference. In addition the respondent with/without design background that caused difference on the two images of abstract and art.


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