  • 期刊


Influence of Vision on Postural Static Stability in Different Ages: A Preliminary Study


Purpose. The visual, proprioceptive and vestibular systems are the foundations of maintaining equilibrium and balance. Among these sensory systems, vision is considered to be the most important component. However, the effect aging has on changes to sensory systems is not well known. We hypothesized that aging would increase the contribution of vision to maintain equilibrium and balance. To further understand the interaction between vision and aging, we investigated the influence of vision on static balance function among different age groups. Methods. A total of 20 able-bodied subjects without any balance-related impairment from Taichung County were recruited in this study. They were divided into four groups with different age ranges (10-15, 25-35, 45-55, and >65 years old,). All subjects were evaluated by a computerized posturography system in double-, right- and left-leg stance on a stable or unstable surface with and without vision input. To investigate the static balance function, we calculated and analyzed the equilibrium score, path length, area and velocity of the trajectory of center of pressure (COP), and the percentage difference of sway (PDS). Results Vision had a significant impact on balance function. Most balance variables correlated linearly with age. The increased COP area and PDS score reflected a decline in balance function and an increase in dependence on vision with age. Conclusions. The importance of visual input for balance function increased with age, which implies that the vestibular and proprioceptive systems decline with age. Therefore, vestibular and propriocepive training might be crucial for enhancing balance function and preventing falls and related injuries in elderly patients.


老化 平衡 視覺


Purpose. The visual, proprioceptive and vestibular systems are the foundations of maintaining equilibrium and balance. Among these sensory systems, vision is considered to be the most important component. However, the effect aging has on changes to sensory systems is not well known. We hypothesized that aging would increase the contribution of vision to maintain equilibrium and balance. To further understand the interaction between vision and aging, we investigated the influence of vision on static balance function among different age groups. Methods. A total of 20 able-bodied subjects without any balance-related impairment from Taichung County were recruited in this study. They were divided into four groups with different age ranges (10-15, 25-35, 45-55, and >65 years old,). All subjects were evaluated by a computerized posturography system in double-, right- and left-leg stance on a stable or unstable surface with and without vision input. To investigate the static balance function, we calculated and analyzed the equilibrium score, path length, area and velocity of the trajectory of center of pressure (COP), and the percentage difference of sway (PDS). Results Vision had a significant impact on balance function. Most balance variables correlated linearly with age. The increased COP area and PDS score reflected a decline in balance function and an increase in dependence on vision with age. Conclusions. The importance of visual input for balance function increased with age, which implies that the vestibular and proprioceptive systems decline with age. Therefore, vestibular and propriocepive training might be crucial for enhancing balance function and preventing falls and related injuries in elderly patients.


aging balance vision


