  • 期刊

從國際比較觀點探討臺灣學生PISA 2006閱讀素養表現特徵

The Characteristics of Taiwanese Students' Reading Literacy: An International Perspective


本文旨在從國際比較觀點探討臺灣學生PISA 2006閱讀素養表現特徵,以提供課程與教學政策參考。資料來源包括參加PISA 2006的臺灣、香港、芬蘭和OECD國家,文中以國家常模爲參照,比較各國不同百分等級學生閱讀素養分數差異幅度剖面,及閱讀素養表現落後學生在三個主要閱讀歷程的得分率差異,同時討論臺灣學生表現不佳的試題特徵。分析結果顯示,百分等級爲5、10、25、75和95的臺灣學生,閱讀素養分數落後香港和芬蘭.28-.53個標準差(OECD量尺),其中以百分等級5和10的落後幅度爲最大。相對而言,百分等級10以下閱讀素養表現落後的臺灣學生,得分率明顯較低的層面是在擷取訊息和解釋文本的歷程,這些學生在識別文章主旨的題目上表現較差。整體而言,PISA著重功能性閱讀,擷取資訊和解釋文本是現代國民終身學習和社會適應的重要基礎能力,針對閱讀素養落後學生進行多元素材文章理解的補救教學是當務之急。


OECD PISA 閱讀素養 國際比較


This study explored the characteristics of Taiwanese students' reading performance on PISA 2006 by comparing them with those counterparts of students from other countries. The main purpose of this study was to determine Taiwanese students' performance on a large-scale international assessment and provided implications on the research of curriculum and instruction. The research samples in this study included participants from four different countries who took PISA reading literacy assessment in 2006 (OECD was defined as a country in this study). The data included are Taiwan, Hong Kong, Finland, and OECD. The authors compared scores of students at different percentile ranks based on each national norm. In addition, the test items where Taiwanese students performed relatively poor were further investigated. The authors also discussed the characteristics of at-risk students on three different reading aspects of the PISA 2006 reading literacy assessment: retrieving information, interpreting text, and reflecting and evaluating. Based on the OECD scale, the results showed that Taiwanese students at the percentile ranks 5, 10, 25, 75, and 95 were below. 28 and. 53 standard deviations when comparing with students from Hong Kong and Finland respectively. Among these percentile ranks, the ones at 5 and 10 had the largest gaps. Those who were below the percentile rank 10 had lower scoring rate at retrieving information and interpreting what was read. They also perform poorly on identifying the main points of texts. In short, PISA defined reading literacy as a foundational skill. That is, reading literacy skills are required for individual growth and economic participation in the future. Therefore, a need to provide remedial classes for these at-risk students is proposed as students need to learn various kinds of texts under guidance.


OECD PISA reading literacy international comparison


Hvistendahl, R.,Roe, A.(2004).The literacy achievement of Norwegian minority students.Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research.48(3),307-325.
Leino, K.,Linnakyla, P.,Malin, A.(2004).Finnish students' multiliteracy profiles.Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research.48(3),251-271.
Linnakyla, P.,Malin, A.(2004).Factors behind low reading literacy achievement.Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research.48(3),231-250.
OECD(2004).Knowledge and skills for life: First results from the OECD Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2000.Paris:OECD.


