  • 期刊


Effects of a Smoking Evaluation of Tobacco and Alcohol Media Literacy Education Intervation for Students


本研究旨在發展菸酒媒體素養教育課程,並評估教育介入之成效。研究採準實驗設計,對象為新北市、臺北市四所高中職一年級學生共566位,實驗組為新北市一所高中,臺北市一所高職學校共299位學生,新北市另一所高中及臺北市另一所高職267位學生則為對照組。研究時間為2012年2月至4月,教育介入是針對實驗組進行二模組四節課菸酒媒體素養課程。本研究以廣義估計方程式(Generalized Estimating Equation, GEE)進行統計分析,研究結果顯示菸酒媒體素養教育介入可顯著提升實驗組學生菸酒媒體自我效能、批判菸酒媒體技能,以及菸酒媒體素養五個核心概念中「創作者」與「形式」兩個概念向度。根據研究結果,本研究針對菸酒媒體素養教學介入,分別在實務與未來研究方面提出建議。


媒體素養 學生 教育介入


The study examined the effects of a tobacco and alcohol media literacy education intervention. This study was a quasi-experimental design. In 2012, the participants included 10^(th) grade students from two vocational and two senior high schools in Taipei and New Taipei City. There were 299 studentsin the experimental group and 267 students in the control group. Students in the experimental group participated in 2 modules of tobacco and alcohol media literacy education intervention, while students in the control group received their usual classes. Generalized Estimating Equation method was used to examine the effects. The results indicated that the tobacco and alcohol media literacy education intervention significantly increased tobacco and alcohol media self-efffacy and critical thinking for participant students. The intervention also significantly increased the form and the audience domains of the tobacco and alcohol media literacy. Suggestions for tobacco and alcohol media literacy education intervention were provided.


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