  • 期刊


A Study on the Barriers and Developing Strategy of Taiwan's Women Baseball Teams


目的:本研究旨在探討臺灣棒球的熱潮中,女子棒球隊所處的角色與經營的現況,以企業五項管理指標來分析其所面臨的困境,藉此提出女子棒球可行的發展策略。方法:以國內女子棒球隊為研究對象,採個案研究法(Case Study)對總教練及隊長進行質性訪談,透過相關文獻及訪談結果進行分析。結果:國內目前共有七支女子棒球隊,以北部為主,自2002年台北先鋒女子棒球主辦第一屆「全國女子棒球邀請賽」後,每年由不同女子球隊輪流主辦,至今已有十一個年頭。在經營困境方面,大致遭遇到球員人數不足、技術訓練待突破,經費限制、場地不足、行銷宣傳與國內女子棒球賽事缺乏等因素。結論:基於研究結果提出國內女子棒球運動可行的發展策略,(一)政策定位需明確(二)尋求公務組織支持並提升女子棒球賽會規模(三)贊助合作共創雙贏(四)球隊合作形成區域聯盟(五)結合男子球隊提升戰力。


Purpose: The purpose of this study is to explore women's baseball teams in which roles and the status of the operation in Taiwan, enterprise five management indicators to analyze the difficulties it faces, and to put forward a viable development strategy of the women's baseball. Methods: The study of women's baseball teams is a case study, of qualitative interviews with the head coach and captain, through the analysis of relevant literature and interviews. Results: a total of seven women's baseball teams, the northern-based, hosted in turn by different women's teams every year since the 2002 Taipei Vanguard Women's Baseball Team hosted the first session of the National Women's Baseball Invitational has been eleven years. The difficulties generally encountered by teams consisted of insufficient numbers of players, technical training, funding restrictions, the lack of space, and lack of marketing propaganda of women's baseball tournaments. Conclusion: Based on the findings we must raise the domestic women's baseball viable development strategy in Taiwan, there is need to have clear (1) policy positioning (2) seeking government support and enhance the women's baseball game on a greater scale (3) looking for Sponsorship (4) the formation of a regional league (5) use the professional men's teams to increase to skills of the women.
