  • 期刊


A Systematic Literature Review: Motor Impairments and the Relationship with Social Communication Deficits in School-Aged Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder




The core symptoms of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are deficits in social interaction and communication, and restricted, repetitive patterns of behavior, interests, or activities. Nowadays, a number of studies have indicated that, from infancy to school age, children with ASD showed slower motor development than their peers without ASD. For school-aged children with ASD, motor impairments may affect their participation in social activities and subsequently limit motor skill learning and development. Thus, the present study aims to review previous studies on the motor function and development of children with ASD, and to examine the relationship between motor impairments and social communication deficits. Previous studies suggested that children with ASD are less developed in abilities related to motor coordination, imitation and praxis, postural control, and motor planning than children of the same age without ASD, with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, developmental coordination disorder, or language delay. In addition, previous studies observed a significant correlation between the motor coordination and social communication skills of children with ASD, indicating that, for these children, severe social communication difficulties associated with poor ball skills, imitation and praxis skills. These impairments in motor function may be caused by sensory modulation disorders, neurophysiological impairments, or abnormal motor learning. From the perspective of perception-action coupling, motor impairments prevent children with ASD from interacting with peers, deteriorate social communication skills, and meanwhile affect motor learning experience on a long-term basis. The literature shows that, for these children, early motor intervention is crucial to improving social communication deficits and long-term motor development. Moreover, they must receive comprehensive developmental assessments and intervention from physical therapists to reduce motor development problems. Therefore, a number of evidence-based behavior intervention approaches for children with ASD are introduced in this study to provide a reference for clinical intervention strategies.


ASD Motor Social communication School-aged children


