  • 期刊


I Want to Be a Teacher: A Case Study of the Recruitment Mechanism and System Reform in Physical Education Teachers for Primary Schools




This study interviewed 12 physical education (PE) teachers who had participated in the PE teacher's test in the past three years. Its goal was to survey their opinions regarding whether there is a need to revise the current system in recruiting capable PE teachers for primary schools. Participants' input was obtained through a semi-structured interview lasting between 30-50 minutes and employing multiple choice and open-ended questions listed in a questionnaire. The results showed that there was a high degree of consensus regarding the following deficits in the teacher recruitment system: (1) the written component places insufficient weight on knowledge specific to professional PE teaching; (2) the trial teaching component did not involve presenting before students, and therefore cannot effectively identify candidates' actual teaching capability; (3) the requirements listed on job postings were not well-defined and did not stress points important in the profession, making it difficult to screen out teachers with insufficient PE ability. We conclude that the current examination system fails to properly screen the workplace ability of PE teachers. Modifications are required to reduce the disconnection between recruitment criteria and the actual requirements of PE for primary schools.


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