  • 期刊


Strategy of Balanced Fertilization on Leafy Vegetables




Determining the different nutrients release and contribution of organic and chemical fertilizers to soils and crops with incubation experiments and planning a balanced fertilization strategy to satisfy the requirements of crops by applying organic fertilizers with chemical ones have the advantages of economic, fertilizer efficiency and environment safety. The objectives of this research were to detect the nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) release of animal compost applied in soils as a function of time, to plan the balanced fertilization strategy by using organic and chemical fertilizers together. Laboratory incubation experiment was conducted with different added amounts of animal composts, ureas, and superphosphates, and the results were figured as a function of time for replacing or net replacing chemical fertilizers by organic ones. Cabbages are planted in pots, and the recommended N-P-K amounts were regarded as the application amounts for the chemical fertilizer treatments, and eight treatments were established: (i) check (CK): unfertilized check; (ii) chemical fertilizers (CF): fertilized check; (iii) animal compost Ⅰ (N50): the applied amounts of animal compost were estimated according to the N requirement of crops and the N release rate at 50%; (iv) animal compost Ⅱ (P30): the applied amounts of animal compost were estimated according to the P requirement of crops and the P release rate at 30%; (v) animal compost with chemical fertilizers Ⅰ (N50F): the applied amounts of animal compost were equal to N50 treatment, and chemical fertilizers were added to reach the recommended N-P-K amounts; (vi) animal compost with chemical fertilizers Ⅱ (P30F): the applied amounts of animal compost were equal to P30 treatment, and chemical fertilizers were added to reach the recommended N-P-K amounts; (vii) animal compost with chemical fertilizers Ⅲ (BF1): the applied amounts of animal compost were estimated according to the P requirement of crops and the P release rate at 30%, and chemical fertilizers were added to reach the recommended N-P-K amounts by calculating the N and P release amounts with net replacing figures; (viii) animal compost with chemical fertilizers Ⅳ (BF2): the applied amounts of animal compost were estimated according to the P requirement of crops and the P release rate at 30%, and chemical fertilizers were added to reach the recommended N-P-K amounts by calculating the N and P release amounts with net replacing figures, while the recommended amounts were increased or decreased according to the soil fertility. The results of incubation experiments showed that the N and P release rate of animal compost applied in Tali soil after 20 weeks were 42% and 22%, respectively. The pot results showed that organic fertilizer treatments resulted in higher yields and N uptake than chemical ones. Animal compost application based on N needs for two crops both resulted in soil accumulation of P and soluble salts, however, application based on P needs both resulted in deficient N. Applying additional N as fertilizer, could improve the N deficiency, and lower the soil accumulation of soluble salts and P. In addition, the balanced fertilization treatment that adjusted the recommended N-P-K amounts according to soil fertility, could reinforce the improvement on yields and N uptake, however, it couldn't arise the negative effect together. Thus, summing up the results, the BF2 treatment was recommended as the balanced fertilization strategy for cabbages.


陽鎮宇(2011)。芽孢桿菌 Bacillus subtilis B34 and Bacillus thuringiensis B163 接種於菜籽粕與蓖麻粕粉對水溶性作物養分濃度影響之探討〔碩士論文,朝陽科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0078-2611201410143369
