  • 期刊


The Construction of the Multiple Aptitude Test Battery for High School Students





The purposes of this project were to develop and standardize the Multiple Aptitude Test Battery for high school students. This battery of tests is designed to measure students’ ability to learn or to succeed in a number of different areas, and to provide a basis for educational and career guidance and counseling for the high school students. The battery consists of eight tests: Verbal Reasoning, Mathematical Ability, Scientific Reasoning, Perceptual Speed and Accuracy, Space Relations, Abstract Reasoning, Verbal Comprehension, and Grammar and Language Usage. It comprises two levels that collectively measure the aptitudes of students in grades 8 to 11. Level One is designed primarily for students in grades 8 and 9, and Level Two is designed primarily for grades 10 and 11. The standardization samples included 940 8th graders, 1049 9th graders, 788 10th graders, 831 11th graders majoring in science and technology, and 732 11th graders majoring in social science and arts. The percentile rank, T-score, and stanine norm tables were constructed for male and female students for each subgroups. The findings based on the reliability and validity studies for this test battery indicated that the reliability coefficients and validity evidences of the test battery generally were satisfactory.


Anastasi, A.(1988).Psychological testing.New York:Macmillan.
Bennett, G. K.,Seashore, H. G.,Wesman, A. G.(1990).The Differential Aptitude Tests.San Antonio, TX:The Psychological Corporation.
Gregory, R. J.(1996).Psychological testing: History, principles, and applications.Needham Heights, MA:Allyn & Bacon.
周文欽、歐滄和、許擇基 Hsu, Tse-Chi、盧欽銘 Lu, Ching-Ming、金樹人 Jin, Shuh-Ren、范德鑫 Fan, Te-Hsin(1995)。心理與教育測驗。台北市:心理出版社。
陳明終 Chen, Ming-Chun、許勝哲、吳清山 Wu, Ching-Shan、林天祐 Lin, Tien-Yu(1988)。我國心理與教育測驗彙編。高雄市:復文書局。


