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The Geographical Distribution and the Dispersal Flight Season of Odontotermes formosanus (Isoptera: Termitidae) in Taiwan


黑翅土白蟻Odontotermes formosanus (Shiraki) (Isoptera: Termitidae)為台灣平地與中低海拔山區最常見的白蟻,其成熟群體所產生有翅繁殖型在春末夏初進行婚飛,往昔文獻多為描述性生態紀錄,缺乏時間及空間分布之相關量化數值,且文獻提及之樣本數量少,因此無法藉此做更深入的分析。本研究的目的是將黑翅土白蟻至今的採集紀錄做數值化的系統性整理與分析,藉由整理文獻資料、鑑定標本館之蒐藏及野外採集三方面,建立其於時間與地理空間上的分布圖,並就相關議題提出討論,以作為往後研究之參考。收集近一百年間之文獻及標本資料,針對取得的304筆有效資料進行地理分布分析,發現黑翅土白蟻之分布由低海拔至高海拔遞減;由過去資料紀錄所研判之最高分布海拔為1,568公尺,而本研究實地野外採集所得之最高分布海拔為1,173公尺;有翅生殖型的採集紀錄共59筆,顯示婚飛季節為4至7月,高峰期在6月,與台灣每年的第一個降雨高峰重疊,本文並就婚飛與降雨的關聯初步討論可能的演化適應意義。


Odontotermes formosanus (Shiraki) has been mentioned as a common termite species in Taiwan, and its dispersal flight has been observed between late spring and early summer. However, these previous descriptions were generally based on a small amount of collection data from restricted geographical areas in one or a few years. In the present study we obtained collection data of O. formosanus in Taiwan by three methods, including field collections, examinations of museum specimens, and analyses of previous collection records in the literature. Latitude, longitude, and altitude were measured or estimated of all 304 collection sites, most of which were located in lowland areas. The highest altitudes of the collecting sites were 1,568 m and 1,173 m, based on the records in the literature and our field collection data, respectively. The dates for collecting the 59 alate samples show that the dispersal flight season of O. formosanus ranges between April and July, and reached a peak in June, which coincides with the peak of the first annual rainfall in Taiwan. This paper also discusses the possible adaptive significance of the association between rainfall and the dispersal flight of O. formosanus.


