  • 期刊


Sports Nutrition Supplement Guarana


「瓜拿那」是原產於亞馬遜流域的一種蔓藤類植物,在巴西國家「瓜拿那」常添加於各種食物、飲料及藥物,當地運動員也常作為營養增補以增加其運動表現。在1994年美國政府食品健康教育機構(Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act; DSHEA)已核准「瓜拿那」為合法的食品添加劑,盛行於歐美亞地區作為滋養補品。「瓜拿那」的主要成分為茶鹼類(Methylxanthines)、兒茶素類(Catechins)、酚類(Phenolic acid)、有機酸類、單寧(Tannins)、皂素(Saponins)。目前許多研究發現「瓜拿那」具有減重、刺激中樞神經系統及減低酒精造成的胃損傷作用,因此,在臨床與運動醫學領域都具有重要的意義。合上述,本篇目的為利用瓜拿那天然植物成分,增加未來瓜拿那運動營養新產品的開發與研究,幫助選手們可以在自我的領域上有更突破性的表現。


「Guarana」 is sometimes described as a sprawling shrub or woody vine, found in the Amazon region. In Brazil, guarana is widely used in soft drinks, drugs, and as a dietary supplement by athletes. Guarana is a popular plant in Europe, American and Asia and used as a food additive approved by the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA) of 1994. The chemical break down of the guarana seed consist of methylxanthines, catechins, phenolic acid, organic acids, tannins and saponins. Result from animal and clinical studies suggest that guarana enhances weight-loss, stimulates Central Nervous System (CNS) and has gastroprotective properties. Therefore, it's safe to say that guarana is very important in the clinical and sports science settings. Conclusion: The purpose was suggested that guarana plant composition can be used to develope and study the sports new nutrition supplement in the future. It could help athletes to enhance performance in the field.


guarana nutrition supplement performance


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