  • 期刊


The Impacts of Museum Interactive Technology Exhibits on 5th Graders' Cognition and Behavioral Intentions of Diseases Prevention




In the era of common public health concepts is well-established, building the right knowledge of diseases prevention and applying it in life correctly are becoming fundamental for the whole nation. It is especially a critical issue for the primary level education. This study is based on the educational resource of the National Science and Technology Museum Diseases Prevention Combat Camp Exhibition (DPCC Exhibition) interactive technology exhibits. The purpose of this study is to investigate the impacts on the 5th grade students' cognition and behavioral intentions of diseases prevention of common diseases and epidemics on campus by visiting the DPCC Exhibition. The study data was collected by pretest-posttest control group design, the subjects of this study were 185 5th grade students from one elementary school in Kaohsiung. Descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA and ANCOVA were conducted for the research questions. The findings of this study were: 1. The awareness of diseases prevention and behavioral intentions of diseases prevention learning achievement of students in the 5th grade students were was above average ability. 2. The awareness of diseases prevention of students in 5th grade had a significant difference among having experience in infectious diseases on campus and times of visiting the DPCC Exhibition. 3. The behavioral intentions of diseases prevention of students in the 5th grade had a significant difference among individual gender, having experience in infectious diseases on campus, and times of visiting the DPCC Exhibition.


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