  • 期刊


Analysis of α-Galacto-Oligosaccharides in Lactobacillus acidophilus fermented soymilk yogurt


大豆衍生產品中具有大量的α-半乳糖寡醣,這些不能被消化道分解的大豆α-半乳糖寡醣 (如棉子糖、水蘇糖和蜜二糖),被腸道中的產氣性微生物利用而產生脹氣。將具有高活性α-半乳糖苷酶活性的嗜酸性乳酸桿菌 (L. acidophilus) 繼代培養至豆漿中,於 37℃ 繼續培養 24 小時製成豆漿優格。以建立的α-半乳糖寡醣分析方法,分析豆漿樣品,結果顯示豆漿樣品中含有約 0.7% 的棉子糖及 2.5% 的水蘇糖,但是測不到蜜二醣的存在。以豆漿優格樣品進行相同分析,結果顯示樣品中的水蘇糖已由 2.5% 顯著的降至 2.0%,但是棉子糖濃度並無降低,維持在 0.7%,蜜二糖則測不到。另外,增加嗜酸性乳酸桿菌於豆漿中的繼代培養時間,結果顯示無法進一步降低豆漿優格中的α-半乳糖寡醣。此研究顯示,雖然使用乳酸菌發酵是一個很好的策略,可以降低大豆中的α-半乳糖寡醣並消化大豆蛋白,提高大豆衍生產品的接受性成為高營養價值的食品,但單靠乳酸桿菌的發酵無法去除豆漿製品中所有的α-半乳糖寡醣。


Soy-derived products contain a lot of α-galacto-oligosaccharides (αGOS), which cannot be digested in human's digestive tract. The most common αGOSs present in foods are melibiose, raffinose and stachyose. However, αGOS can be utilized and fermented by intestinal microbes, which causes flatus and gastrointestinal disorders. Lactobacillus acidophilus with high active α-galactosidase was inoculated into soymilk to make soymilk yogurt. Analyses of αGOSs in soymilk and soymilk showed that soymilk contained 0.7% raffinose, 2.5% stachyose and no melibiose; while soymilk yogurt contained 0.7% raffinose, 2.0% stachyose and no melibiose. Analyses of αGOSs in soymilk yogurt made by extensive longer inoculation with L. acidophilus showed no influence on reducing the amount of any αGOSs. Enzymatic characterization showed the optimal pH of L. acidophilus α-galactosidase was pH 5.5. The α-galactosidase was found to possess good activity in the pH range from 5.0 to 7.0, which was enough for degrading α-GOSs in the fermentation process. However, the activity was almost lost dramatically when the pH was lower than 5.0, which may account for that α-GOSs could not be removed completely in soymilk yogurt, since there was a lower pH than 5.0 in later stage of fermentation process
