  • 期刊


Debates and Changes on the Regulations of Product Placement in the U.K.




Broadcasting regulation in the U.K. is founded on the ideology of public service; consequently, product placement has long been prohibited. With the introduction of a multi-channel digital platform and under the pressures of commercial broadcasters, British regulators began considering the possibility of lifting the ban. However, the U.K. did not adopt rapid deregulation, but held public debates and consultations. Because citizen groups demanded protection for the interests of the audience, product placement is still prohibited expect in four programme genres: films, series made for television, sports programmes and light entertainment programmes, Product placement must be signalled clearly by means of a universal logo. Programs that are directly related to the interests of the audience are not allowed to have product placements. Furthermore, certain products and public information are disallowed from being placed in programs. This study analyzes the debates and changes in the U.K. and indicates the implications for Taiwan.


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