  • 期刊


Evaluation of the Squamomastoid Cellularity of Adult Temporal Bone by Brain Computed Tomography: A Cross-sectional Study


目的:鱗狀乳突部氣房發育狀況與慢性中耳炎及其併發症關係密切。本文以腦部電腦斷層為題材,回推台灣過去慢性中耳炎及其併發症的可能盛行率。方法:在2013年8、9月這兩個月內,共計2,131人(男1,169,女962)曾於中台灣某醫學中心接受腦部電腦斷層。在排除未達20歲者(n=146)及基本資料不全(無法判斷年齡)者(n=3)後,尚餘1,982名患者(男1,079,女903),年齡為59.7±19.1歲(平均值±標準差)(範圍20~92歲)。把軸狀切面及冠狀切面設定為骨視窗(中心值200 HU,窗寬2,000 HU)進行判讀。結果:具氣房發育不良者的盛行率在20~29歲、30~39歲、40~49歲、50~59歲、60~69歲、70~79歲及>80歲之族群的盛行率依序為30.5%、35.9%、52.5%、56.9%、68.0%、75.6%及69.4%。結論:本文推論隨著時代的進步,台灣兒童或青少年罹患慢性中耳及其併發症的盛行率逐漸降低,降低了爾後遺留於顳骨鱗狀乳突部氣房發育不良的比例,並推論二次世界大戰期間,台灣兒童或青少年罹患慢性中耳及其併發症的盛行率最高。


Objectives: Hypocelluar squamomastoid is closely related to the occurrence of chronic otitis media (COM) and its complications. In this study, we attempted to deduce the prevalence of COM and its complications of Taiwanese children and adolescents in the past era from the prevalence of COM and its complications among patients who received brain computed tomography. Methods: In the two months of August and September 2013, 2,131 persons including 1,169 men and 962 women, had received brain computed tomography at a medical center in Mid-Taiwan. A total of 1,982 persons (1,079 men and 903 women) were included for analysis after excluding those younger than 20 years old (n=146) or with unknown age (n=3). Their average age was 59.7±19.1 (range: 20-92). We reviewed each axial and coronal section under bone window (center 200 HU, width 2,000 HU). Results: The ratios of hypocellular squamomastoid sufferers in the age groups of 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60- 69, 70-79 and > 80 were 30.5%, 35.9%, 52.5%, 56.9%, 68.0%, 75.6% and 69.4%, respectively. Conclusion: We deduce that, with the progress of time, the reduction of the prevalence of COM and its complications had reduced the incidence of following hypocelluar squamomastoid. In addition, we found that the prevalence of COM and its complications was probably highest among Taiwanese children and adolescents during the World War II.
