  • 期刊


RSOES for Electric Buses-a Case Study



空氣污染對地球生態的威脅已有數十載,成為世界各國持續投注大量心力,力求改善的嚴重課題但(Electric Vehicles Progress, 1996; 吴浴沂,民88;李景峰,民91;張兩青譯,民94)。本研究乃就電動車能量蓄存最佳化的系統研發,以個案研究方式來改善車輛的能源、使用型態,進而改善空氣污染的狀況。研究者首先,從相關文獻中發展出車輛行使的能源供需程式,並訂定個案;繼而彙集該都會區各線公車的行駛相關資料,計量並分析結果,推求出兩項結論。其一,透過有效的行駛路徑規劃,增進公車營運行駛中,充電的效率性及機動性,將能解決電動車續航力較低的問題,並縮短乘客候車的時間。此類的行駛規劃甚至能將機能結構較小的車輛透過充電模率的調整而提高其行駛功能。其二,未來將可發展成本低而充電率高的車上行駛充電結合設備,進而促使各地充電站的網絡擴展。充電網絡使用率的提升,將有助於電動車續航力的增加,同時也降低行車攜帶的能源、貯存設備,從而增大車輛的乘客搭載量。




Air pollution has been a serious issue in the world for a couple of decades and each country is trying to find a possible solution to this issue and is devoting large budgets to comprehensive air pollution research programs (Electric Vehicles Progress, 1996; Wu, 1999; Li, 2002; Chang, 2005). In this study the researcher adapted a systemic strategy (RSOES refers to Route Specific Optimized Energy Storage) to improve the air pollution of the specific city. First of all, the researcher reviewed the related literature to establish an equation for electric buses and selected out the experimental subjects. Then, he measured the route of each city bus and coded these data to the spreadsheet of the computer Finally, the researcher analyzed and interpreted the findings, and got the two main conclusions: The first one is that Route planning, by creating the opportunity to recharge the buses rapidly during a working day, will be able to solve the problem of the shorter range, and will reduce the time which the passengers have to wait for a bus to collect them. Such as planning would take into account any buses that are either unavailable or unable to city out the required route. The other is that it is possible to develop an integrated drive/charger system for city buses. A low cost facility for high rate charging, obtained through on-board integrated drive/charger systems, promotes the wide-scale introduction of suitable charging locations. The frequency with that charging is possible to increase the effective range of the bus while reducing the amount of on-board energy storage required. This leads to increased load capacity that can be devoted to fare paying passenger.
