  • 期刊


The Relationship between Body Mass Index and Metabolic Syndrome on Gender


背景:世界衛生組織判斷代謝症候群之肥胖指標,是以身體質量指數(body mass index, BMI)或腰臀圍比,而台灣行政院衛生署卻僅以腰圍為依據而未採BMI。由於BMI已是國際上及國人普遍用來判定是否肥胖之指標,具有其方便性,且雖然已有些研究發現BMI與代謝症候群診斷項目有其相關性,但性別之間其相關性的差異,目前國內研究尚有爭議。目的:探討男、女性成人BMI與各項代謝症候群判定指標之相關性,以及瞭解各範圍BMI之間腰圍、血壓、血糖、三酸甘油脂及高密度脂蛋白膽固醇之差異,並探討BMI與腰圍分別對其他代謝症候群判定指標之預測力。方法:以68名中國文化大學男女性教職員(男性20名,平均年齡40.6 ± 10.41歲,身高170.1 ± 5.50公分,體重74.9 ± 12.11公斤;女性48名,平均年齡44.6 ± 10.91歲,身高160.5 ± 6.35公分,體重61.6 ± 9.55公斤)為研究對象。於空腹12小時後之隔日上午,採集研究對象之肘前靜脈血4 c.c.,再分別量測腰圍(通過肚臍)及血壓。所得資料以皮爾森積差相關進行BMI與腰圍(waist circumference, WC)、收縮壓(systolic blood pressure, SBP)、舒張壓(diastolic blood pressure, DBP)、血糖(blood glucose, Glu)、三酸甘油脂(triglycerides, TG)及高密度脂蛋白膽固醇(high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, HDL-C)等5項代謝症候群指標之相關分析,以α = .05為顯著水準。結果:男性之BMI與WC、SBP、DBP、TG及HDL-C呈現顯著相關(WC: r = .917, p = .000; SBP: r = .638, p = .002; DBP: r = .456, p = .044; TG: r = .576, p = .008;HDL-C: r = -.569, p = .009);女性之BMI則是與WC、SBP、DBP及HDL-C呈現顯著相關(WC: r= .774, p = .000; SBP: r = .360, p = .012; DBP: r = .359, p = .012; HDL-C: r = -.370, p = .010)。結論:男、女性BMI與部分代謝症候群指標有極高的關聯性。建議:成人代謝症候群中之肥胖指標,除了腰圍以外,亦可參考BMI做為判定標準。


Background: The World Health Organization (WHO) suggested that the Body Mass Index (BMI) or hip waist ratio can be used to determine obesity in metabolic syndromes. However, the Department of Health of Taiwanese government uses only waist circumference rather than BMI. But the prevalence of using BMI as an indicator of obesity among people in Taiwan, and the relationship between BMI and metabolic syndromes was still controversial on gender. Purpose: To investigate the relationship between BMI and indices of metabolic syndromes, as well as the predictions of BMI and waist circumference (WC) on indices of metabolic syndromes. Methods: Subjects were 68 faculty members and staffs of Chinese Culture University ( 20 male, average age 40.6 ± 10.41 yr, height: 170.1 ± 5.50 cm, weight: 74.9 ± 12.11 kg; 48 female, average age 44.6 ± 10.91 yr, height: 160.5 ± 6.35 cm, weight: 61.6 ± 9.55 kg ). Four c.c. of blood samples of each subject were drew from the antecubital vein in the morning after 12 hours of fasting. WC (through umbilicus) was measured using tape measure and blood pressure was measured using electronic sphygmomanometer. Pearson Correlation Coefficient between BMI and indicators of metabolic syndromes (WC, systolic blood pressure [SBP], diastolic blood pressure [DBP], blood glucose, triglyceride [TG] and high density lipoprotein cholesterol [HDL-C]) were calculated. Results: For male, BMI was significantly correlated with WC, SBP, DBP, TG and HDL-C (Waist: r = .917, p = .000; SBP: r = .638, p = .002; DBP: r = .456, p = .044; TG: r = .576, p = .008; HDL-C: r = -.569, p = .009). For female, BMI was significantly correlated with WC, SBP, DBP and HDL-C (Waist: r = .774, p = .000; SBP: r = .360, p = .012; DBP: r = .359, p = .012; HDL-C: r = -.370, p = .010). Conclusions: For both gender, BMI is highly related to indicators of metabolic syndromes. It is suggested that in addition to waist circumference, BMI can be used to determine obesity in metabolic syndromes.


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