  • 期刊


Research on Risk Assessment of Official Secret Leakage Management




The problem of cross-straits hostility has yet to be solved. Since declaring an end to martial law on July 15, 1987, Taiwan has been following international economic trends and cross-strait exchanges have been increasing. After governmental policy adjustments, Taiwan has attracted many visitors, spouses, students, investments, and businesses from mainland China. Despite the seemingly reduced level of cross-straits hostility, mainland China has yet to renounce the use of force against Taiwan. Instead, mainland China has been interacting with the people of Taiwan in a variety of other ways, which has led to an increasingly complacent attitude with respect to the protection of confidential information and counter-espionage. At the same time, concealed enemies are already performing infiltrations and stealing confidential data. This study conducted a statistical analysis of the trial proceedings of official secret leakage cases that were reported nationwide over 2002-2015. The analysis included 24 court verdicts registered in the Law and Regulations Retrieving System of the Judicial Yuan, Taiwan, and rulings reported in media, and related literature. Operational Risk Management Integration Tools (ORMIT) were used to conduct a risk assessment questionnaire survey among governmental officials responsible for the prevention and protection of official secrets leakage and the management of official secret information. Furthermore, potential risk factors for the failure of official secret leakage prevention were analyzed, including an evaluation of risk scope, probability, and level. This study found that official secret leakage had a major impact on political, economic, national defense, social, and diplomatic security. It is recommended that secret-related personnel management should be enhanced, leakage-related criminal liability should be increased, and operations should be subjected to risk assessments on a regular basis. This study provided related units with a reference for the reduction of leakage risks in practical operations.


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