  • 期刊


Analysis and Management Strategies of Typhoon Threat to Taiwan Port




颱風 港埠 風險管理


Global warming causes extreme weather result in typhoons are an increasingly growing trend. In order to reduce the losses of ports while typhoon strikes Taiwan, the manager and operators of ports should be aware of these risks and take actions to manage them. In this study, the authors first constructed a list with two risk categories and ten risk factors through literature reviews and interviews with experts. Subsequently, this research conducted questionnaire to survey opinions regarding these risk factors. The result shows that physical risk is the most significant risk category. The top three key risks for the losses while typhoon strikes Taiwan, are 'global warming causes extreme weather result in typhoons are an increasingly growing trend', 'the wind is too strong to exceed the load of the machine', 'the armor blocks is not placed accurately'. All these three risk factors are in the category of physical risks. Finally, we provided some concluding remarks and proposed advice to all risk factors for the manager and operators of ports to reduce the loss of ports while typhoon strikes Taiwan.


Typhoon Port Risk Management


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