  • 期刊

Innovations in outdoor recreation visitor use management: Applying market segmentation at the Timberline Lodge Recreation Complex


This study examined the perceptions of outdoor recreation users at the Timberline Lodge Recreation Complex (TLRC), a national historic landmark in Oregon's Mount Hood National Forest. The primary purpose of this study was to investigate the multiple facets of customer satisfaction, crowding, and conflict in relation to two specifically segmented recreational user groups: 1) snow users and 2) lodge users. These two different user segments were determined to possess independent satisfaction, crowding, conflict, socio-demographic, trip characteristic, and group characteristic trends. Overall, a series of statistical analyses determined that lodge users were more satisfied and perceived less crowding and conflict than snow users. The utilization of market segmentation within a diverse population of users proved to be invaluable in this study. By examining the TLRC users through the lens of various market segments, this study was able to provide a deeper understanding of visitor use management. This innovative method for segmenting recreationists in multifaceted recreation settings may allow resource managers to provide a higher quality of service and experience for their customers. Holistically viewing this area as a recreation complex as opposed to individual management zones (e.g., silos) further demonstrated the application of innovative and collaborative visitor use management and research.
