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The Study on the Differences in the Impact of Quantity Discount and Promotion Framing on Impulsive Buying


隨著網路購物安全性的完善,行動購物應用程式的便利性,臺灣消費者網路購物行為越來越活躍,依賴度更是逐年加深,網路購物儼然成為了臺灣消費者生活上不可或缺的角色,網路市場上可說是潛藏著無限地商機,而了解網路消費者行為來擬定適當的行銷策略,必然成為了現今重要的課題。本研究為2 (數量折扣:全單位型與遞增型)x2(促銷框架:相對百分比與絕對金額)的實驗設計,以展望理論之觀點來探討相同事件下,以不同的描述方式對於衝動性購買的差異。使用T檢定與MANOVA分析結果下,本研究發現不管使用數量折扣中的全單位型或是遞增型對衝動性購買並不會有顯著差異;在促銷框架中亦然如此,使用絕對金額或是相對百分比,對於消費者的衝動性購買不會有所差異。在人口統計變數上,男性與學生族群對於以往的價格促銷方法上還可見其效果,但現今女性與上班族的網路購買行為上,衝動性購買行為相對比以往的購買決策更為複雜。


With the improvement of online shopping security and the convenience of mobile shopping applications, the consumer online shopping behavior in Taiwan has become more and more active, while the dependence is deepened year by year. Internet shopping has become an indispensable role in Taiwan's consumer life. There are unlimited business opportunities in the online market, and understanding the behavior of online consumers to develop appropriate marketing strategies must become a major issue today. This study is a design of experiments for 2 (quantity discount:all-units discount and incremental discount) x2 (promotion framing:absolute dollars and relative percentage), investigating the same events under the diversity of impulsive buying among the various descriptions from the prospect theory perspective. This study found that there was no significant difference in impulse buying, whether using the all-units discount or the incremental discount by utilizing the T-test and MANOVA to analysis the results. In the promotion framing is also the case, the application of absolute dollars or relative percentage of the consumer's impulsive purchase will not be different. Besides, gender and income will have an impact on impulsive buying. Men in the face of online promotions will have more impulsive purchase than women, and the student groups show more impulsive buying behavior than office workers.


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