  • 期刊
  • OpenAccess


Comparison of Static Balance between Male and Female Tennis Players




持拍運動 姿勢穩定度 性別


This study aimed to investigate the gender difference ofstatic balance in tennis players. The results were analyzed by covariance method (ANCOVA) with height and weight as covariates. Ten male (19.5±0.4 years, 174.6±1.4 cm, 66.9±1.4 kg) and 10 female (20.9±0.7 years, 166.1±1.8cm, 58.7±1.8kg) tennis players participated in this study. The static balance of the subjects was evaluated by the Biodex Balance System. Postural sway of the center of balance on the wobble platform was recorded, and transformed to the anterior-posterior (APSI), medial-lateral (MLSI), and overall (OSI) stability indexes. The results showed that the APSI, MLSI and OSI of female players were significantly lower than those of the males. Concurrently, height and weight of female players were also significantly lower than the males. ANCOVA results showed that the height-and-weight adjusted APSI, MLSI, and OSI were not significantly different between the male and female players. This study showed that female tennis players had be tter static balance than males, but the differences vanished after adjusting for the height and weight. It is suggested that height and weight are critical factors and should be taken into consideration when investigating static balance performance.
