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A Study of Leadership Behavior in Junior High School Volleyball Coaches in Taiwan


目的:本研究旨在了解中等學校排球選手知覺教練領導行爲之情形。研究對象爲參加102年全國第49屆宮光盃中等學校排球錦標賽高中男、女子甲組選手共261人,方法:採用問卷調査法。結果:高中排球選手知覺教練領導行爲,會受到性別、年齡、球齡、與教練相處時間、訓練頻率、比賽層級等因素的影響;在五個構面因素男性選手得分顯著高於女性選手,民主行爲18、17歲選手得分顯著高於16歲選手,專制行爲及關懷行爲18歲選手得 分顯著高於16、17歲選手,民主行爲及專制行爲三年級以上選手得分顯著高於二年級以下選手,訓練與指導行爲及關懷行爲五天以上(含)選手得分顯著高於四天以下(含)選手,縣市級以上選手得分顯著高於校隊級選手。結論:教練必須因材施教,尤其是指導女性選手的男教練,以及針對16-17歲選手,與教練相處時間較短之1、2年級選手,應特別注意與選手之雙向溝通,盡量做到當下圓滿,才能創造優秀選手及成績表現,進而成爲一位優秀成功教練角色。建議:未來應建構一套系統化之排球教練效能發展模式,提升排球教練執行能力水準,有效降低與選手之間的衝突,利於選手、教練及成績多贏之局面。


排球 教練 領導行為


Purpose: The purpose of this research is to investigate the leadership behavior in high school volleyball coaches. The subjects included 261 players in a national championship volleyball tournament. Methods: The questionnaire survey was conducted. Results: The high school volleyball leadership behavior was affected by gender, age, training experience, time spent with coach, training frequency, and level of competition. The males score higher in all 5 constructs. The democratic behavior is significantly higher in the 18- and 17-year-old players, compared to the 16-year-olds. The despotic and concern behavior is higher in the 18-year-olds. The score of subjects who trained 5 days per week or more was higher than the ones with lower training frequency. The players with higher skill levels also scored higher. Conclusion: Coach may teach players in accordance with their aptitude, Coach must be individualized, especially for female athletes to guide coaches and male athletes aged 16 years old, 17-year-old players, along with coaches times a year and two-year players, especially two-way communication with the player's attention, as far as possible the moment good turn, in order to create outstanding athletes and academic performance, and then to become an outstanding success coaching role. Future research should construct a systematic pattern of development effectiveness in volleyball coaches. The coaches also have to improve implementation capacity levels, reduce conflict between the players, which will help players and coaches to create a win-win situation.
