  • 期刊


Constructing the Evaluation Index of Parliamentary Efficiency in Legislative Yuan-under the Framework of AHP


有效率之會議不但可達成議事目標,而且可節省人力資源。立法院為我國最高立法機關,其立法議題大多與民生有關,所議決事項更攸關人民福祉。長期以來立法院議事效率低落,已造成民眾負面觀感,要如何提升立法院之議事效率,便成為學界討論的重要焦點。本研究旨在建立一套客觀且符合立法院議事效率評估之指標,俾有助於提升立法院議事效率之目的。本研究採用平衡計分卡(balanced score card, BSC)之理論基礎,藉由專家意見之彙整,提出五大構面、十六項策略主題,四十九項工作項目,藉由立法院相關人員之填答,採用層級分析法(analytic hierarchy process, AHP)來分析,取得各層級之相對權重數值,藉以建構立法院議事效率之關鍵績效評估指標(key performanceindicator, KPI)。本研究結果發現:在第一層五大構面中,其重要順序為:「願景構面」、「創新與學習構面」、「組織內部流程構面」、「顧客構面」及「財務構面」;在第二層策略主題中,最重要的主題為:支持與鼓勵立法院人員專業成長,顯見各專家對於立法院人員之專業性非常重視;在第三層工作項目中,其重要性前三名分別為:制訂相關民生福利政策、制訂優質法案及培養立法的專業素養等,上述三項績效指標皆與立法專業有關,此點說明立法院人員的專業與擁有立法的專業知識,都是影響立法院議事效率的重要關鍵因素。


Meeting is the means to gather opinions and generate mutual agreement, the goal of which can be exact and feasible and waste of human resource can be avoided if it is carried out efficiently. Legislative Yuan is the highest legislative body in our government systems, where ongoing issues, debates, and resolutions significantly pertain to the benefits of every citizen no the island; however, the efficiency and effectiveness of Legislative Yuan has long been questioned. To enhance parliamentary efficiency in Legislative Yuan has become one of the main concerns in the academic field; therefore, the study aims to construct an objective evaluation index of parliamentary efficiency that conforms with the nature of Legislative Yuan, basing on the method of balanced score cards and professional opinions to design a questionnaire with five themes, sixteen strategies and forty nine work items, comprehending all details in legislative process. The replies from Legislators will then be analyzed under the framework of AHP, which will then establish a key performance indicator to evaluate the parliamentary performance. The result of research has shown that Legislators have ranked the five perspectives in the following order; visionary, innovation and advancement, internal organization and process, customer and financial. Moreover, according to the Legislator, the most important strategies include self-advancement of the Legislators, which emphasizes the importance of professsionalism among law-makers. Among the work items, the most important ones include legislations to improve living conditions, considerate and thoughtful legislation, and legislative professionalism, which accentuates that the professional knowledge and vision are the key points to enhancing parliamentary efficiency in Legislative Yuan.


