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The stress reaction and coping strategies of taekwondo athletes in a golden point round




Purpose: Taekwondo is a highly competitive sports. When the winner will be decided during the 'Golden Round' (so called 'sudden death' round). Who make the vital kick could be the winner in this round. Within the very special setting of the game, athletes are under high pressure in the Golden Round. What will be the reactions from the athletes? And what are the coping strategies for them? The purpose for this study was to: 1) discover and investigate the reaction of the athletes when facing Golden Round. and 2) investigate what would be the coping strategies toward the Golden Round. Methods: The research method of this study was qualitative research. Using grounded theory to analyze the data from semi-structured one to one interview with participants. Triangulation was used to check the trustworthiness. Research participants were 10 Taekwondo athletes from Taiwan Universities Taekwondo first division who had Golden Round experience in the past one year. Results: The reactions of the Taekwondo athletes in Golden Round were emotions (nervous, anxious, fear and excited) and ability expectation. The coping strategies were self-instruction, guidance from others and relaxation technique. Conclusion: The study discovered that Taekwondo athletes will have cognitive anxieties and somatic anxieties when facing Golden Round. Athletes will change their game strategies, rely on guidance from the coaches and use relaxation technique as their coping strategies. The result can provide an important reference for coaches and sport psychologists when they guiding the athletes. The study suggests to develop preparation plans and strategies of coping adversity in the early stage to help the athletes face the uncertainty of the game with ease.


golden round acute stress state anxiety


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