  • 期刊


A New Essay on "the Mixture of Good and Evil Humours" in Dream of the Red Chamber-- Based on "Qi" Theory




This project proposes to investigate the doctrine of the origination of personal characteristics(個體源起觀)and the doctrine of talent and character(才性論)as embodied in The Dream of the Red Chamber. The Dream of the Red Chamber explains the personal characteristics of its characters by ch'i that comes from birth (先天之氣) and the cultivation/ education that comes afterwards, both adopting a deterministic flavor. Remarkably, the novel introduces its characters via a mythical framework. Through the mythological design and the consequential ch'i endowments, the novel gives its characters their inner systems, which, like hereditary genes, are then developed as if following a predetermined path or process. This project further investigates the thesis of theinborn good-evil mixture in one's endowment (正邪兩賦) in The Dream of the Red Chamber, putting it in particular in the context of Chinese traditional thoughts, and then comparing it with Eastern psycho-analytical novels and literary theories.
