  • 期刊


Feng Congshun and Li Zhishun: Two Northern Song Eunuchs who surrendered to Liao and were forgotten by their Song Masters




馮從順 李知順 承天蕭太后 遼聖宗 宋史 遼史 高麗史


The article attempts to reconstruct the histories of two senior Liao遼 eunuchs, Feng Congshun 馮從順 (967-1023) and Li Zhishun 李知順 (975- 1028), primarily from their epitaphs excavated respectively in Manchuria and Inner-Mongolia in the early twentieth century. The biographies of Feng and Li are not found in the Standard History of Liao, 遼史. However, the Standard History of Song 宋史 and other Song source materials provide us with valuable information that helps us greatly in understanding their early careers. According to Song sources, Feng and Li were originally junior eunuchs serving the Song court. They were both assigned military duties during the Song-Xia War 宋夏戰爭 and Song-Liao War 宋遼戰爭 in the early eleventh century. Feng disappeared from the Song records after 997, while Li was reportedly killed in late 1004 before the Peace Treaty of Shan-yuan 澶淵之盟 was concluded in early 1005. No further records of them are found in Song sources after 1005. It is worth noting that both Feng and Li survived after 1005. Feng was captured by the Liao army in the Battle of Yingzhou 瀛洲 in 1000. He surrendered to his victor and Li followed suit in 1004. They subsequently won the trust of both Empress Dowager Xiao 承天蕭太后 (953-1009) and Emperor Shengzong 遼聖宗 (971-1031) of Liao, and were gradually promoted to senior positions in the next two decades. According to Korean source History of Gaoli 高麗史, Li was appointed special envoy to Korea in 1026, holding the senior and honorable title of Grand Mentor of the Heir Apparent 太子太傅. The article serves as an example in the study of the history of Liao and Song in pointing out that not only should one examine carefully the sources of Liao and Song, including traditional primary sources and recently discovered epitaphs, one should look into the Korean sources as well.
