  • 期刊


The Development of Medical Students' Multi- Cultural Competency: A Study on the Exchange Learning in Japan




The Main purpose of this research is to examine medical students' multicultural learning outcome. 32 students have taken some Japanese courses, coming from different departments of China Medical University, to participate two-months long Taiwan-Japan summer exchange activities during the year of 2016 to 2018. The learning arrangements provided by Nihon Pharmaceutical University have separated into two parts: (1) professional classroom curriculum and outdoor institution visiting activities (2) social and cultural experiencing learning activities regarding general education. Analyzing data include learning-outcome report, reflection questionnaire, following-up written report and face-to-face interview. Major Findings are attainment of substantive knowledge and perceptual understanding, individual personal growth, promotion of Japanese language abilities etc. Owing to the apparent positive learning outcomes, the exchange cooperation between two Universities will continue. Keep modifying the learning model of curriculum and activities regarding professional and general education is needed. A new model has under the way currently.


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