  • 學位論文

合作夥伴間信任來源與信任內涵: -以馬來西亞華人為例之實證研究

Sources and Consequences of Trust on Inter-firm’s Transactions and Collaboration: An Empirical Study of Malaysian Chinese

指導教授 : 莊正民博士


如今,我們可以從高頻繁的國際聯盟策略,合併案,特許經營等等的交易和合作中發現國際化是商業界重要的一個趨勢.因此,如何以建立馬來西亞華商間與國內外廠商組織間信任基礎是一個很重的課提,良性的信任基礎關係可以絕對有效的管理廠商間互動關係. 所以, 本論文的宗旨在於探討馬來西亞華商間與國內(三大民族: 原住民,印度人和當地華人)及國外(西方和日本)組織間信任關係的形成(來源)與信任的內涵, 是否會因為文化的影響. 此外, 我們也想要探討究竟信任的來源以及信任的內涵是否有關聯性的存在.本研究發現馬來西亞的華商在與不同國籍廠商合作時,信任來源或信任的內涵存有一些顯著的差異.同時,不同的信任來源也會顯著地影響不同的信任內涵.


During the last decade, a major trend is the increased globalization that has occurred in the business world. We can see a tremendous growing trend toward globalization through the establishment of international strategic alliances (ISA), joint-venture, licensing, outsourcing and so on to gain competitive advantages while entering into new markets, particularly into the new emerging market such as Asia Pacific. Many excellent researches have proven the importance of trust in business management and a variety of management disciplines urging that trust play an even stronger role in improving the inter-firm relationships Therefore, the purpose of this research paper is to explore how the sources and consequences of trust differ among International Transacting parties of various nationalities (Japan, Western and Malaysia) and within-Malaysia ethnic groups (Malay, Indian and Malaysian Chinese). Thereafter, to examine how nationality and ethnicity play a role and impact on the trust building process as well as the consequences of the trust in Malaysian Chinese business context. Thus, the present research has chosen the four sources of trust and three consequences of trust as described in most papers and examined how these practiced in Malaysia.


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