  • 學位論文

災後遷村家屋外部空間營造與家園認同之探討 -以在禮納里的好茶部落為例

A Study for Exterior Space Improvement of Relocated Village and Homeland Recognition after Disaster ─ A Case Study of Kucapungane Tribe in Rinali

指導教授 : 陳亮全


摘 要 家是我們出生就生活的所在,在家裡比在外頭有著安全、自適和情感依根植的感覺。部落是原住民的家鄉,族人們在其中長期生活而產生強烈的情感認同。屏東縣霧台鄉的魯凱好茶部落於三十餘年間在三個不同的地方落腳生活,同一個部落不同年齡層的居民,因為從小生活的部落環境不同,對「家園」的理解也許有著不同的看法,而這些看法影響著他們在遷村入住新部落之後對新家的想像、期許、認同與對家戶空間的做為。 好茶部落於2010年底遷村至屬於排灣族傳統領域的禮納里,至今一年多的期間舉辦許多儀式和活動並一起生活。隨著逐漸認為禮納里的家屋是以後要久居的住所,加上重建會補助每戶十萬塊美化家屋庭院的政策,於是好茶人積極努力的透過材料、型式、圖騰、植栽等元素營造自己所認同的空間,使得庭院方便日常生活的使用,也讓好茶居民對空間有參與感,並使原本只是永久屋的空間有了魯凱的文化,更重要的是藉由複製、移植、再現故鄉景物的手法,讓依附根植故鄉的感覺在禮納里的新家延續,進而增加好茶居民對新家園的認同。 遷村加速好茶部落文化空間及家園的認同的改變,但前庭的活動及taliapang(魯凱語,座台結合桌椅的前庭空間)的型式被承襲保留,並且是居民最認同的家屋外部空間型式。好茶居民移植對過去部落的認同到禮納里,且與新的空間營造經驗融合成新家的認同,並透過營造家屋外部空間宣示自己與土地的關係以增進認同。


Abstract Home is where we live since we were born. We feel comfortable, safe, and emotional rooted at home. The Rukai tribe named Kucapungane which is in Wutai Township, Pingtung County, Taiwan, has located in three different places during 30 years. Living in different environments since childhood, residents of different age groups of the same tribe have different views about their homeland. These views affect imaginations, expectations, recognitions and what they will do in the space of the household of new home after village relocation. At the end of 2010, Kucapungane’s tribespeople relocate to Paiwan traditional areas whewe named Rinali. They held many ceremonies and events, and they have lived together for more than one year. Coming to believe that the house in Rinali is a permanently residence, and the subsidy of government departments for per house one hundred thousand to beautify the courtyard, the tribespeople became positive to improve the house exterior space by using kinds of materials, types, totems, plants and other elements to create an identity space of themselves. The house exterior spaces improvement not only makes the tribespeople a sense of participation to the space, but also facilitates use in daily life, and makes the housing space has Rukai culture. More importantly, by replication, transplantation, the way to reproduce the hometown scene, allow the feeling of hometown-rooted to be continued at new home in Rinali, and lead to an increased recognition of the new homeland. Relocation accelerates the change of cultural space, and recognition of homeland of Kucapungane tribe, but the courtyard activities and the type of taliapang (Rukai, the space type which is the courtyard combined with seating platforms, benches, and tables) is inherited and retained, and the space pattern is the most recognizable for tribespeople. Transplanting past tribal recognition to Rinali and with the new space improvement experience make identity of the new home emergence. And Kucapungane tribespeople declare their relationship with the land through improving the external space of their own house to enhance their recognition.


Tim Cresswell著,徐苔玲、王志弘譯


許怡心(2015)。為什麼參與了沒感覺? 台東大竹永久屋建築文化語彙重現及部落參與之探討〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2015.00447
