  • 學位論文


The Evaluation and Development of Spatial Thinking Ability Assessment

指導教授 : 賴進貴


空間思考(Spatial thinking)在日常生活以及許多學科皆占有舉足輕重的地位。研究指出,空間思考能力的高低,與科學、科技、機械和數學的成就有著正向關係。在地理學中,「空間」一直是重要議題,例如:地圖判讀、GIS操作皆須仰賴空間思考,因此空間思考能力的量測非常重要。心理學發展的量表多關注於小尺度,與地理認知的大尺度不同。有關大尺度的空間思考能力量表,經本研究評析後認為存在許多問題,且並未經過明確的信度及效度檢驗。因此,目前學界亟需發展空間思考能力的檢測量表。本研究針對現有的量表進行評析,並且編製一份包含五個分量表、總題數27題的量表,並且進行信度與校度檢驗。所完成的量表將能提供大尺度空間思考能力之檢測。


Spatial thinking is an essential skill not only in daily life but also in many disciplines. Research found out that the achievement between sciences, technology, engineering and mathematical and spatial thinking have positive relationship. Besides, spatial thinking is a critical skill to geographic studies. As a result, the evaluation of spatial thinking becomes significant these days. There are many assessments developed by psychologist that focused on small-scale of spatial thinking, which are quite different from the large-scale assessments of geographers’ concern. The development for large-scale assessments is still on experimental stage, as many of them lack of reliability and validity examination. After reviewing existed assessments for large-scale spatial thinking, this research develops an assessment called Spatial Thinking Ability Assessment, which contains five sub-scale, including 27 questions. It is anticipated that this assessment can be used for the assessment of large-scale spatial thinking.


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