  • 學位論文

一般固體廢棄物管理政策施行成效評估 - 以台北市「垃圾費隨袋徵收」為例

THE ACCOMPLISHMENT EVALUATION OF GENERAL SOLID WASTE POLICY - A case of “Pays for Garbage Disposal by the Bag” in Taipei City

指導教授 : 張長義
共同指導教授 : 鄭欽龍


台北市「垃圾費隨袋徵收」是一種經濟誘因型的環境政策,自民國八十九年七月實施至今已四年有餘。根據環保局的統計資料顯示,政策施行之後台北市的一般固體廢棄物(即一般所稱的「垃圾」)減少、資源回收量增加。 本研究從都市永續發展架構之環境、經濟與社會三個相關議題面向深入分析政策的影響,並進一步探討台北市十二個行政區的居民對於政策的反應有無空間差異存在。 研究結果顯示,(1)施行垃圾費隨袋徵收政策之後台北市的垃圾量減少,政策的影響程度超過所得、環境知識等因子。(2)政策執行者和接受者對於垃圾袋價格的認知不一致,政策執行者認為施行政策之後垃圾費的收入不足以支付處理垃圾的支出;約有三成六的政策接受者則認為垃圾袋的價格應調降。(3)民眾大多會使用消極的行為減少已經產出的垃圾,例如擠壓垃圾和資源回收等,而非積極的防止垃圾產生。(4) 政策施行成效具有區間差異存在。減量成效卓著的北投區和士林區居民對於政策的瞭解度較高。但是減量成效不彰的萬華區,其居民對於政策的瞭解度、處理垃圾行為和支持度與其他地區並無差異。 本研究建議政策執行者持續推廣垃圾費隨袋徵收政策,公開處理垃圾所需的經費以及目前的收支狀況以供民眾參考。積極的推廣各種政策的配套措施,讓民眾充分瞭解政策的目標以及執行方式。建議政策接受者除了配合政策之外,更應積極的使用其他方式減少垃圾的產生,共同為環境盡一份心力。


“Pays for Garbage Disposal by the Bag” is an economic incentive policy of Taipei. It has been administered for more than four years since July, 2000. According to the statistics from Department of Environmental Protection of Taipei, the amount of general solid disposal has been decreased and the amount of recyclable collection has been increased, after the policy was been enforced. This research analyzes deeply about the effect of the policy from three specific aspects of urban sustainable development: environment, economy and society. This research further explores citizens’ responses to the policy from all twelve administrative divisions to see whether spatial difference exists or not. Results of this work show four significant findings. First of all, the amount of general solid disposal has been decreased and influence of policy is the dominant factor among others, such as incomes or environmental knowledge. Second, the executors and acceptors have different recognitions about the price of garbage bag. The executors consider that the garbage fee could not cover the expenditure of waste disposal. However, about 36% policy acceptors consider the bag price should be lower. Third, the public decrease the amount of waste passively by squishing their wastes or disposing them as recycled, other than preventing producing wastes in some positive ways. Fourth, the spatial difference does exist in the effect of this policy. Shilin and Beitou have the greatest amount of trash decrease; dwellers of these two divisions show more understanding about the policy than people in other divisions. Nevertheless, the waste amount is reduced least in Manka. Dwellers of this division show similar degree of knowledge about policy understanding, waste disposal process and policy support as those in other divisions. This research report suggests policy executors continue popularizing this policy and they should disclosure the revenue and expenditure of waste disposal to the public. Bring plentiful of knowledge to the public and let them fully understand the target and the ways the policy will carry out by administrating various complementary packages positively. Besides following the policy, the public shall decrease the amount of waste constructively and do their best to improve our environment.


葉俊榮 1993 環境政策與法令,台北:月旦出版社。
梁啟源 1993 台灣環境保護政策之總體效果與成本效益分析,台北市:中央研究院經濟研究所。
石明家 2001 SPSS 10.X中文版統計資料分析實務應用, 臺北市:


謝素珍(2010)。台北市國小學童垃圾減量行為意圖及相關因素 探討-以某國小高年級學童為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣師範大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0021-1610201315181879
